Duke Sallos or Prince Sitri to bring back an ex?

all the best to you, and good luck on your journey. :slight_smile:


stop talking to him. Leave him alone for a couple weeks. If he’s mad at you he’ll calm down after that time.

There’s no sense in wanting an ex back, because love makes no sense. If you love your ex you’ll want them back. And unless your ex is some kind of sick fuck who hit you or hurt you in other ways, I say go for it.


i think you mentioned the wrong person lol

wasn’t you who said their ex doesn’t want to talk to them?

Hi Man1 I just finish reading urs n it’s pretty interesting. My problem is the same thing to get my ex back. I did Queen Pomba Gira Maria Padilha n is is amazing, her work is super fast. So my ex lover called n we spoke for like 45 minutes. We didn’t talk anything about our relationship is just all about work n life. He told me that he might pick up his yool on the next day, I text him n ask if he was coming no response then the next day I told him I can save some food for his lunch if he likes since I always ended cooking but again no response. I am not sure what is happening any ideas? Also can I ask King Beleth for help? I don’t want Queen Pomba to feel like I’m disrespecting her in any other ways…

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Honestly I don’t consider it a result until I’m satisfied and I get what I want. You should call on beleth if it feels right to you.


What is the right way to call on King Beleth please. Do I just meditate on his sigil offer him something or do I give something after I see result… Can u please guide I am a newbie, I have been reading but I get so confused…Thsnk u Man1

well yes but this isn’t my post

I used beleth , paimon ,seere. I also used chupacavra spell every Friday on a honey jar in addition to many many other spells may you be successful and may you not have any regrets. Remember its your and yours alone.


Hi Damia u seem to know a lot of stuff would u mind helping me out. I wrote to Man1 but he is probably busy.

Dude, you can’t keep jumping all over the forum asking different members to help you just because no one has replied. This is the third or fourth post I’ve seen of you doing this.


Sorry but as u see I’ve been reading and trying to learn n get some information right. Like I said I have no experience doing any of this. I grew up believing Catholic is the only thing that can save u, but now I’m seeing way better than that…I want to becomelivinggod. I just want to make sure I’m doing things right is that ok with u…

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Youtube darling : and google chuparosa love spell. Honey jar and cumin seed love spell by black witch coven

Oh ok thank u … I didn’t know they put stuff like this on you tube duh lol thanks Damia… Someone is getting mad because I asked for help :frowning:

I am not mad, but I have seen your questions asked and answered in multiple threads now, yet you keep asking them over and over again. The answers you have already received aren’t going to change, and most of what you’re asking can be answered by using the forum’s search function anyway.

This is just a friendly heads up to remind you that constantly trying to get personal replies from members, and then jumping from one to the next when you don’t get an answer, can be seen as harassment and is against forum rules.


This is true, and I know you’re hurting and just trying to get answers @Helpplease but you do now have a lot of info, so try working some of these, but please don’t jump on so many topics and ask, it’s kind of rude, even thougn not intended that way.

Cheers! :+1:

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Ok thank u for letting me know…

The method I use for contacting the 72 demons is a book called demons of magick by Gordon winter field. It’s on amazon


I love the search button and often place my request before i type now… i get great results like theirs now a lucifage refocale enn video… holla!

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