Drugs & Me: Never ending story

High doses of caffeine put me in an odd place.

Knocks me out of sync with the physical.

Gives me violent thoughts, but great ideas for spellwork.

I harness all the ‘Get Fucked!’ emotional energy I can muster. By the time I’m ready I could fucking kill! That’s how I want to be. Then I collect energy using the body posture of Elhaz - feet together, palms facing skyward. The energy collected answers and amplifies my energy whilst I see the future, then when I can’t hold it anymore I direct it.

I have absolutely zilch empathy with my victims. If innocent parties die too, that’s OK. In order to avoid ‘lust of result’ you may have to repeat the ritual a number of times, each time trying to completely exhaust yourself by the end. I really perspire, something shocking. I slap myself across the face really hard as for me this acts as a painful barrier to dwelling upon what I just did.

Don’t listen to music or radio or watch TV, etc. Do something physical and metal, like food preparation or housework. If my thoughts keep returning to the working I slap myself across the face again. It doesn’t take long to stop ‘lust of result’.


Years ago, day after day, I used multiple 100mg tablets, plus coffee. I still love the rush but I’ve settled down a little. These days it’s pot brewed tea, stove top espresso, strong iced coffee or Yerba mate.


Ah, similar to good the good old texts of “cut your hand” when you think of an unwanted thought to help you focus. If you remember the pain it discourages thinking about the thought…

Razor cuts are a bit extreme. I go for the cheap methods.


I don’t use this method at all myself. But I can see how it would be effective, ya know?

Don’t consider nicotine and caffeine to be drugs at all.

They don’t give you any euphoria, so they cannot be sinful and bad. And drugs are bad!

Really? Try Nicotiana rustica.


This movie had a profound effect upon me via video back in the late 'seventies and into the 'eighties. Given that it’s forty-four years old and still viscerally resonates is saying something.

Nino, I’m so glad you got the Travis Bickle reference.
“You know a girl called Iris?”

As a younger man in need of punishment I used to dream of Betsy beating me up and using her knee - over and over again. De Niro asked Shepherd for a date. She said, ‘No!’ and they never spoke again - except in character.



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