

This morning, just before waking up, I had a vision of certain aspects of me put together,
a circle drawn over it, a sigil was in the middle. Around the circle another one, and in between the spaces of that circle; type of letters as you see in the leviathan sigil shown here. Very similar ones, but more. The letters were drawn slowly, perfectly, I could follow and see the entire image in full clarity. My mind then wanders off as I’m having people here interfering, and doubt is created.

What would it mean if I can respectfully ask?

Did you feel you were seeing yourself in the leviathan cross?

So much intrusion, I don’t know. I guess every single letter and thing that happened were from me. I have two sides, I guess, and so does everyone else. I do not however want to be binded, chained; yet I am also not giving up anything I earned.

I didn’t really see a Leviathan cross, what I meant was; just the letters surrounding the circle were similar, the same, but more. The sigil itself, I can’t recall clearly.

Ah I see. The letters are from the hebrew alphabet. In sigils they spell the names of entities, usually from Jewish lore. If you’ve been studying sigil magick recently it could be as simple as your subconscious mind mulling the ideas over.

Thank you for the explanation. I kinda got it :slight_smile:

Thank you :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :metal: