Dream Journal #2 (NSFW(?))

Last night I called on Azazel after being called by him for some time. When I fell asleep I had another one of those “wtf is going on” dreams.

It started out with me sleeping and consequently waking up (in my dream, not real life). Upon waking up I noticed what seem to be the equivalent of an imp running/scooting around on my bed. The creature was initially formless and was trying to have sex with me. At the time I didn’t mind until I realized my parents where watching so I tried to make it look like it was raping me. After which I started doing the stereotypical “there’s a mouse in the house” dance. During said dance clothing just appeared on me because yes.
The creature decided to take over the body of my deceased cat but parts of her visibly changed. Her eyes were black as the void and she had dark jagged rocks growing on part of her front legs and tail.
I asked the creature who sent them and they said “Satan did”. Then I asked how long it had been there and it said “7 years”. Which would have been around the time I dedicated my soul to Satan (before I became a demonolatress)
Somehow the being managed to bite my tongue and soon after I blessed a beebee pellet (yes you read that correctly) and shot it with a beebee gun. Creature began reverting back to the floof I once knew but she died shortly after loving on me as if to say she wasn’t upset that I had moved out.
She went to a small group of a cats. I knew all of them but one: My dead cat (name: Star. Black with greend eyes and a noticable scar on her side.), My current cat (Name: Leo. Very muscular mostly grey with white on the legs and paws.), a cat at my fiance’s house (Name: Tiger. Typical tabby cat), but the last one I never seen before. It was extra fluffy and pure white. Its face was squished in like a persian
After they disappeared I went to the bathroom to check my tongue…it had began to turn a dark-ish purple that was quickly spreading from my mouth to my face to my other extremities.

Note: It never gave me a name or a reason for being there outside of being sent by Satan.