Dream invasión love spell?

I have been avoiding this person for some time because im upset over something they did. I found their actions as an invasion of privacy. Long story short, out of nowhere, I had a very erotic dream about about them. Then on the same day they contact me. I told them i had had a dream about them (I left out the erotic part). This individual kept fishing for more info. I could tell this person was upset that I hadn’t had “that” sort of dream. Then they tell me their friend wishes to meet me.

Reasons why I believe it may be a dream invasion love spell:

The day I had it,Friday
The hour I had it, venus hour
They call me the same day
They told me they practice magick before
They confessed their “love” for me some time back
Their friend is a witch who does magick specializing in love and sex.
Im not interested in this person for personal reason I won’t bore you with.

My gut instinct tells me they got together and tried to invade my dreams in order to start feelings for this person. Since I caught on to their bs now their friend wishes to meet me to get some hair or personal items of mine to cast something heavier.

My question is how does dream invasion work? What’s the worst a caster can do to get you to “love” someone? Can it affect your health? AND how do I protect myself from that and teach them a lesson for trying to force me to want someone I don’t want?

All answers welcome thanks again!