Drawing on floor

so a bit weird but I was wondering if there was something I could use to draw seals on the ground (wood floors) but not stain them.

I was thinking of chalk but I couldn’t find out if it would stain or not. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Children’s sidewalk chalk is good because it’s meant to be cleaned up and washed away. Also dusting the floor in flour and drawing the symbols in that will work.


I second @UnseelieDiabolus’s recommendation on drawing symbols in flour. Depending on how your floor is waxed, i could see the chalk possibly being difficult. You could also paint symbols on a piece of cloth and lay that on the floor if it is one you are going to use more than once


Another thing on top of the other suggestions is painter’s tape. You can get them in different colors so if you’re into color correspondences with spirits then you can represent that there.