Dragon Question

I am searching my ass off and cannot find anything. What do you call something with dragon-like traits or features? I know you call something with reptile or serpent-like traits “reptilian” but what about dragons, something with an -ian on the end.

I thought it would’ve been something like drakonian, because of the draak but nope. I’m stumped here.

Have a look at this entry: [url=http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/212976/synonym-for-like-a-dragon-or-dragon-like-dragonish]Synonym for "like a dragon" or dragon-like (dragonish?) - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

Draconic. ([url=http://www.dictionary.com/browse/draconic?s=ts]Draconic Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com)

Also from dictionary.com:


1876 (earlier Draconic, implied from 1640s), from Draco, Greek statesman who laid down a code of laws for Athens 621 B.C.E. that mandated death as punishment for minor crimes. His name seems to mean literally “sharp-sighted” (see dragon).

So “Draconian” could apply loosely.

Okay, well I looked up Draconian but kept getting definitions not even related to dragons, so then I tried Drakonian spelling it like Draak minus the extra “A” and still nothing useful came up. Must have been buried deeper than where I looked. None of these terms feel right to me. I have another word in mind that no one has come up with and it feels much more “right” to me so I’m gonna go with my intuition here.

How about “dragonian”?


Draconic. Of or like a Dragon.

Draconian has political connotations.

I liked “dracontine” myself. :slight_smile:

Found this:

[quote]dragon (n.)
early 13c., from Old French dragon, from Latin draconem (nominative draco) “huge serpent, dragon,” from Greek drakon (genitive drakontos) “serpent, giant seafish,” apparently from drak-, strong aorist stem of derkesthai “to see clearly,” from PIE *derk- “to see.” Perhaps the literal sense is “the one with the (deadly) glance.”

The young are dragonets (14c.). Obsolete drake “dragon” is an older borrowing of the same word. Used in the Bible to translate Hebrew tannin “a great sea-monster,” and tan, a desert mammal now believed to be the jackal.
Source: [url=http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=dragon&allowed_in_frame=0]dragon | Etymology, origin and meaning of dragon by etymonline

I don’t see any reason not to forge your own word from those roots, here’s some inspiration on the theme of dragons, and the dragon-like:

None of these words sit right with me, they feel very off and very wrong! I really don’t like that they are linking it to some douche bag whose name just happened to mean Dragon. This is important to me, it’s not just for research purposes but I can’t say why. I feel my familiars both telling me, keep your mouth shut about it, and telling me another word that does indeed feel very right. I’m thinking it may be a word that people used at one time several years ago but the term may have been lost since the government is so hell bent on hiding or destroying historical documents that tell the truth, I believe they also hid or altered some of the mythical stories as well. My ‘Big Me’ is also telling me to go with this newly discovered word so we’ll see what happens.

you say you’re describing something with the features of a dragon?

a disease maybe? or how about a rash.

drakosis? dragniopothy? im just spitballing here, i have no idea what i’m actually talking about.

Serpentine? Serpentine dragon, ect. I’ve heard that term used to describe dragons.