Doubt because of other people's practice

sometimes I feel like weird and unsure when I read stories about people invoking Satan for example. Like ain’t it a title and not a spirit?
If they describe the feelings I start to wonder if that’s all even real because how can you even invoke a spirit that does not exist.
It leads to me wondering if it’s not just being crazy.

No , satan is title of one spirit , different than Devil , and diffrent than Lucifer
No doubt , Feel by the core of the ritual or spell you do , you can see and hear spirits?

Anything with a name is manifest, even if it’s as an egregore created by humans.

Satan is a funny one because It means different things to different people. But humans are above all creator beings. All of these work for this reason. The highest being in the hierarchy IS you the practitioner, and what you say goes, goes.

Basically, It matters less what you think about to get your energy flowing to do magick, than just doing something. It all works. Ask the props, all the ideas, so they mental gymnastics, what they are is besides the point, how you work the energy is all that matters.


I learned that Satan is a title just like Christ. So that you can call any daemon a Satan, and even Archangel Samael as a “holy” Satan. Otherwise wouldn’t you be able to say more about the spirit if it existed, instead of just their title and your personal view on them?
Same with devil. I don’t think that’s a spirit, more like something can be a ‘devil.’

I can feel the same about Lucifer, but it’s because of no mention of him in the Bible. Yet since it’s not a title I don’t have that much doubt I think. It’s more like I wonder if he ain’t an egregore.

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No , Not every demon can called satan , Devil is Title for One Real Spirit , and satan is different than Lucifer and Devil, title differ than Actual Name of spirit , if you know the actual name They will answer faster than Light , every person have personal exprience different for the others , what the kind if Ritual you evoke or invoke the spirits ?

A post was split to a new topic: How to invoke?

I am of the opinion that words can and often do have multiple meanings. They are not “real” and it is not worth getting worked up over semantics. Depending on who is using the word, and the context, and when they are saying it can change the meaning.

In addition, I’ve seen the argument for satan as a title and found it convincing. However; that’s not the whole claim. The claim is that Satan as used in the Bible and it’s popular usage in early history was that of a title and not a singular entity. This is important for people who base their beliefs on the Bible (or the Quran, it think it also a title in there). There are people who claim that 100% of their religious beliefs come from the Bible but believe in a literal Satan. For them this news is important. But I find it hard to imagine that anyone willing to evoke Satan really cares what the Bible has to say.


Satan doesn’t exist? I didn’t know that.

An exorcist asked a demon:

You Melid, as a demon, do you exist or not?

  • Ignorant! How could I not exist?”

You know the saying by their fruits you will know them.

If you are harmed or helped by demons, you will have no doubt that they exist.
It is not a matter of faith or would praying to stones have any effect?
​​And yet these beings have a certain power to help change reality.
People write these whole demonic books with messages from beings whose wisdom exceeds wisdom of humans.

Regardless of the arguments used, people love their emotions and will do anything for them if the belief in something that actually exists exceeds their level and creates false comfort.

You see, people can be human because they live in ignorance, they do not bother with higher matters so it does not hurt their feelings and they can focus only on deal with mundane matters.
Actually, for our own comfort, we have already established
“pompous pseudo-scientific nonsense”. That God does not exist, Satan does not exist, life after death does not exist. We only live to make money.
Actually, even humans do not even exist, do we not live in a simulation?

Satan is derived from the mystical teachings of the Zohar. Originally described as the Suhtan force. An adversarial balancing force of the universe. It was the force that flows through all things and makes people lazy, angry, etc.
Later on the early Christians used it to describe an anthropomorphic personification of all evil.
Regardless of its origins, that is a very real being at this point. So many people over thousands of years have thought about it and put incalculable amounts of energy into it. Creating a very real egregore, which at this point is it’s own being.
So I wouldn’t worry.

Darkness has always existed

I think it depends on the social/cultural/magickal background you’re approaching this from. I grew up Christian so this is the framework of Satan that I’ve had in my head. So from this tradition Satan is a title that many beings have but he’s talked about as a singular being as well. Not only that Azazel, for example, could play the role of a “Satan” (aka an adversary) in your practice but he also can play a non-adversarial role too. Azazel also is a Satan because he’s an adversary of the god of the Bible. On top of this, from my experience, when I have summoned Satan as his own being, there very much is a being who goes by that name. So context is everything.