Doing Anti-Bane aka Blessings

I know we discuss bane frequently, doing it to those who frankly need a swift kick.

But do any of you ever use your magic, pacts or anything…to bless those who have done you very right?
That struggling single mom working as a cashier at the local dollar store? The judge who ruled in your favor? The guy who, even though there wasnt a connection, took you on an awesome date? The coworker who pulled through that week you were behind and helped you? etc etc

I know I have blessing abilities and I have done this for years. There is a deep satisfaction in seeing my friends doing well…being loved and taken care of.


Well i don’t make any blessings but the people that surrounds me usually tends to get good luck or improve their lives because y usually desire the best for everyone, they tell me their projects or stuff I genuinely believe and desire they accomplish their objectives. And that usually attracts allot of people to me sometimes they get too sticky lol, people get really open to me really quick. I think is good to have a good vibe and share that.


I don’t usually do blessings or curse’s but a couple people have asked me to. They claim to have had amazing results. One of my friends asked me to help her find love and she is still in a commited relationship about a year later. So yes I do believe that more people should do blessings because everyone needs one at some point in their life, Magician or not.


Almost every day, in fact.

Loyalty to me, not just service, but actually standing by me, and being my friend, will always be rewarding, in many different ways. Some of these are through unconscious mechanisms, and many of them, consciously as well.

If you want divine providence and justice, you have to be the one to set it.


The great things about blessings is that sharing them actually makes you even stronger, especially if you are working with angels. They really like it when you share your magick, and will oftentimes bring others results that benefit you in some way as well, so even more win-win.

One thing to be careful about with blessings is that you may not actually know what the other person desires. You may think you know, and you could be right, but I tend to ask the spirit to help them out in whatever way is best for them, leaving the request generally open. For example, “I ask that you bring NN great wealth and prosperity. Let riches flow to them and through them through the power of this magick.”

I’ll often use this style of wording for my own requests as well, and then talk about the details after making the request. That way I allow the spirits to be creative and guide me along the best path for the journey, not restricting them because I could only see one possible path, but still directing them towards my long-term goal.


Yes, I do.


There’s a really easy way to do this, OP! Just make a talisman that creates blessings and pushes probability/energy around to fit the wants and needs of the people around you, and/or those that decide to be kind to or around you, and just keep that thing on you! It pays well to convey gratitude via spellwork, and a talisman can generate those spells more easily than you- make a blessing engine! :slight_smile:


I like that idea

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I prefer to do generally self serving things but I’m not bad at it so I’m a big fan of trickle down. I still give cigarettes to/buy meals for/sometimes give rides to/talk to people who are down on their luck like they’re human. But yes I do see your point. A servitor would be great here. One that can stick and is relatively disposable (non bound, existed for about 2 weeks or so). To be honest servitors that nullify negative energy (to a point) or shied you make good blessings for those with bad memory or who are not so advanced at direct magick. Mr Ron "Set it and forget it. Some of the best things in life in my opinion. (Lots of memory problems :sweat_smile:) So I guess that was an incredibly long way of saying yes .it dose happen. I would just as easily give someone the evil eye as I would a benefaction. My recommendation is direct magic. Sometimes you even find another one of us as well cloaked as you. :wink:

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??? me specifically, or are you speaking of a magician in general?

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Yes I do. Blessing with an Anti-Bane is not about focusing on the blessing, but rather focusing on that which would hinder the blessing. This involves alot of in-depth fine tuned work and so is the realm more of an expert as working with fine tuned energy, like professional healers can easily become disastrous if you do not have the right details to do extended multiple workings on the right negativities.

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The general purpose “you”. Pardon me. I would say general but black magicians are more adept at concealment and obfuscation than most RHPers. And generally the kinds of workings are on the down low. I was talking about when one triest to cast beneficent magick or something on someone and part of the force gets shunted away because of some mecanisim put in place by the intended recipient. Concealment of one’s abilities and general power level is a handy skill.


Definately a part of my practice. Although typically if I ordinarily would cast a harmful spell for example a tyrannical boss. I would cast for them to have an opportunity somewhere else that they can’t pass up. Its more of a hex without harm.

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I tend to reward based on good service. I don’t much go out except to get food and in that case I tend to make small conversation and if their day isn’t going well I tend to use a magnetic presence to influence their emotions to a happier state. It doesn’t last long but an hour if lingering happiness might be enough to make all the difference in their day or if they express some trouble to me I might exert an act of will to nudge it in a better direction. Those close to me I tend to include in all protective and beneficial works as well as extensions of my field of influence.

Do right by me and I’ll atleast make your day a little better. Conversely if you don’t even try and are outright rude then don’t expect a friendly response back.