Does Apollo manifest as a Serpent?

So last night I prayed to Apollo if that was him that kept showing 7 so I went to bed and I had this really weird dream I think a giant snake was attacking me or something… I think I was like shit talking it or it knew I was afraid or something. I can’t really remember but it was the most weirdest dream I had so far, next to Hekate’s dream


I don’t think he has any connection to snakes, although he’s a God so he can manifest however he wants if you’re calling him here instead of going to him. But yeah snake isn’t in his realm of associations as far as I know.

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Spirits manifest in different shapes , so you’d have to keep calling said spirit repeatedly to find that out

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Yes, of course he does. He killed Python. Son of Gaia who was guarding the oracle shrine of Gaia in Delphi and made it his since then. The oracle of Delphi was an extremely important center of the antiquity. That’s why he’s called Pythios and Pythoctonos among others.

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Yes Apollo is a healer. And healers, in Greece, are connected with serpents.


Sometimes he uses snakes to pass on the gift of foresight.

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Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up!:+1:

Thanks for the link ill check it out!

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Mm… interesting. Like he manifests as a snake to pass on that gift when you evoke him, Is that what you mean?

Apollo is Abbadon so yes He can reveal his lovely dark aspects


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Also it is one of the cultural patterns that solar deities are connected to snakes.

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Snakes are usually associated with Athena, but Apollo has healing attributes, which were sometimes associated with snakes in Ancient Greece

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