Does anybody know how to consecrate a amulet?

Does any1 how how to consecrate a Amulet? I bought the book of Mephisto and I was told that I can consecrate the amulet that comes with it and use it as a permanent gateway, but honestly I don’t know how to do that. Can anyone give me some easy pointers?

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Up to you how complex you want the consecration to be, but the basic components are to cleanse it with elements (salt, incense smoke, fire, water - any or all as you see fit) then charge it by assigning power through some medium (your own will, a demon/angel/diety, whatever).
In it’s simplest form, run it under water, sprinkle salt, visualize power as you say By _____ This Thing is Now Awesome AF.
Or you could spend an entire day in robes, candles, building power, calling the Elements/Aethyrs/Watchtowers/The 9, and going through as much theater as you think it needs. But it still breaks down to the same few components. Hope that helps.

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Oh, okay thanks!

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