Does abstinence or Not cumming in sex/ masterbation make you more powerful?

Interesting. Are they a magician? is are they LHP or RHP? I only ask because I m wondering if that has something to with it based on their path. Again I could most definitely be 100% wrong. Im just always asking questions

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Really I read Napoleon Hills book and didnt see that. But I only read it once. I must read it again

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None of me or my friends really believe in LHP and RHP, but they are a practitioner.

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One of the best books ever. And no there is no such nonsense as restraining pleasure in that book, on the contrary

Heck yeah it does! @N.D_Blackwood already gave a short summary of the potential effects, but I’ll go into more detail here.

First off, not indulging in sexual lust at all with semen retention has different results than indulging in sexual lust but still not ejaculating.
Semen and sperm is a medium and vessel which contains a shit ton of masculine energy packets. Think of sperm like little engines that circulate energy around and round, and as they “swim” they rip tears through the cosmos. Semen is the medium they swim through, which is also charged with energy.
Male orgasms are short but intense blasts; like a lightning strike. Now, usually all of that energy from the semen, sperm, and orgasm is spent almost simultaneously, and is excreted outside the body into or onto whatever you ejaculate onto.

The whole point of semen retention, is that you don’t actually need to be throwing all that energy away. Ever ejaculated and felt tired and depressed afterwards? That’s because you just threw away all of your yang/positive energy and you’re left with mostly yin/negative polarity, leaving you tired and needing to recover.

Notice though, that I didnt say you couldn’t orgasm. That’s because male orgasm and ejaculation are actually separate. You can train yourself to not ejaculate, but still orgasm, and thus even orgasm more than once and for LONGER (up to 30 minutes of orgasm, no that’s not a typo), because you’re blasting that energy upwards through your crown and it forms what might as well be an infinite energy cycle, that leaves you much more charged and uplifted than when you started. That’s the taoist-tantric approach to it; you can orgasm, but never ejaculate, which sounds like what you described in the original post.

The less intense method that doesnt involve as much training, is doing whatever you want and not ejaculating, but without the training you probably won’t be able to orgasm without ejaculation. Its still very effective though, as it strengthens the will, and allows you to cultivate and actually store your lust. Without the cultivation of lust though, your body will most likely begin to shut off the desire to experience sexual pleasure, since the lizard brain only uses it to trick you into ejaculating. So, there still has to be a bit of training to separate lust & pleasure from orgasm & reproduction. The lust cultivation method works pretty damn well for infernal type magic, and you can literally feel this storage tank of pure insatiable lust, that keeps generating more. Eventually you can merge it into one of your chakras, or even create a new one from it.
However, “saint mode” is also very potent. Dont discredit it just because you won’t be able to use sex and lust. There is an immense amount of power and energy that comes from sacrificing that. It works by having your body utilize all the energy (physical and spiritual) that you would normally be using for generating sperm, the lust, the desires, etc etc, and funnels it directly into everything else instead. So, you get a constant supply of extra energy and power, pure yang masculine energy, and technically it’s coming from the same source, its just that you’re not using it for the “distraction” of sex/masturbation anymore. To be honest, saintmode is probably one of the most awesome methods, since it’s actually extremely easy to activate it, unlike the taoist tantra stuff which takes a lot of practice and training. All ya gotta do is just not indulge sexual lust. Saintmode is more of a joke though btw, you can still be infernal as fuck.

So, theres a lot that can be said about it. But, to the folks who’ve tried the semen retention stuff and haven’t noticed much of a change, I reccomend that you try again, only pay close attention to what your body is doing. How is your energy changing, and where is the extra energy actually going? If there isn’t a change, its because you have an infinite sexual energy generator already (unlikely for most), or your body didnt catch on to the fact it’s supposed to retain it, and it’s just leaking out because its what your body is used to.

Sex magic becomes a lot more powerful when you stop using it as an excuse to cum, and really focus some discipline into it.


Welcome to the Occult. I can’t say that I have ever met two occultists who have had the same beliefs as each other. But, the good news is that most if not all the knowledge is freely available to anyone who can practice divination. Learn how to do divination properly, and then you can research this topic for yourself.

But to answer your question, I suppose it can be helpful to some energetically (And mentally by increasing desire in some cases). However, for magick, you already have a source of infinite energy accessible to you if you know how to reach it, without even draining your own. So, I’d say it won’t give you some sort of advantage that is unreachable by others. From what I’ve seen, some of the old Taoist and Vedic theory on the effects of masturbation were also false if I’ve heard correctly, indicating a large decrease in health, and leading to an early death. Old superstitions that have been dis-proven through practice. There is also this post from a member here who is a Taoist that gives a bit more insight on this subject:


Thanks for taking the time to write this- it resonates as spot on to me.

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So quick question to clarify. When you mentioned saintmode are you referring to that they masterbate/have sex but don’t ejaculate? Or they just don’t masterbate or have sex at all?

I think a separate time when I tried this I busted a nut in my sleep probably from having sexual dreams IDK

But I am going to try it again but I want to do it in the best way possible so I can harness the energy like you were saying

Not depressed but use it as a sleep aid lol

Thanks for your comments

Well, the saintmode, in its purest form, evolves you into complete asexuality. You will not lust, and will not want for pleasure. Now, that doesnt mean you can’t experience pleasure, but the path of the saint means that you can completely do without it in the sense that you won’t care if you dont have any pleasure at all, and instead use a sort of divine bliss in its place. Again, that doesnt mean you cant be infernal as fuck, you’re just sacrificing the sex and lust. I’m going to assume your desires are to become more masterful of the infernal currents rather than the celestial ones, so I’ll tailor my answers to that, but please clarify with me if you’re confused.

You wanna get to the point where you pretty much never orgasm, and cultivate a type of “infinite endurance”. Unless your body stops producing sperm, which could happen but not without training and whatnot, you are going to have wet dreams every once in a while, or at the very least will sometimes just “leak it out of you”. Don’t be upset when it happens, because it’s literally just your body dumping waste material. If you didnt, it would grow old and start decaying while in your balls. So, its bound to happen unless you stop producing sperm.

The main point is to induce an “anti-lust” mindset. This does not mean you cant have desire, or love. Perfect example here- Consider beauty.
Which do you find attractive-
a woman wearing high heels, thigh high socks and a crop top shirt, showing off her beautiful skin and contoured hip, with an energy that screams “I’m ready to fuck” and you think to yourself “woah, I’d smash that any day”
A woman wearing a modest dress, but projects an aura of sweetness, with a beauty that makes you think to yourself “wow, I want to better myself to be a worthy companion”

That’s more or less what the difference is between the low-desires and saint-desires from a day to day perspective. If you’re not entirely straight, homoeroticism is pretty fuckin divine by default. Again, you become lord over your base desires, and let none of them control you. Hence why homoeroticism is divine by default, the base desire for a man to procreate, is just not there. Just an example.

Back to the masturbation thing- its easiest to overcome those base desires by cutting out masturbation entirely. Though, if you dont indulge sexual desires ever, for quite a while, you will evolve into being an asexual. At that point, you will not have the desire and will most likely view masturbation as a distraction to your true ambitions, and sex just not worth your time and energy. You’ll definitely go through periods of very very intense lust, which is your lizard brain pleading for you to not evolve past it, since you kinda end up killing it in the process.
Sidenote- Women really do find you more attractive. A lot of em are like fuckin eels bruh. They can sense your above average plethora of energy, and good quality energy, and your will to not give it to anyone but yourself, and subconsciously will be super invested into trying to have sex with you simply because of those two things.
It’s really just a product of the female lizard brain, and not that women are the matrix out to get you and foil your plans, but its generated some fantastic memes.
So, with all that, you really need to have a strong will to pull it off, but in doing so you strengthen your will to be extremely powerful. The Will, is not some infinite thing by default (at least, not for an incarnated human). Its a muscle that must be excersized and trained, and the will is the root of all magic. Think about that.

So, short version for the saint mode would be-
Dont masturbate at all and resist all urges. You shouldng “flee” from your thoughts and temptations, like they’re some scary thing you must get away from, you must overcome them.
Continue this, through the waves of libodo for about 6 months or so, it really differs from person to person. You can work with a Saint spirit to help you with all of this, and to help give you introspective insight on the progress.
You will develop total asexuality. Nothing turns you on anymore.
You can then choose, if you want, to invoke your spirit’s pillar of sexuality into you, and work with it more actively. It will be extremely different than when you started, but for the better. You will then begin to choose, what turns you on sexually and what doesn’t. Sexual energy is then purely for your own productivity. You only use it, because it helps add even more energy. You probably won’t even want to ejaculate anymore, and instead fuze it into your spine, working with lust again but always in control of it.

The phallus is the snake, which spits venom.


you are putting too much focus on sex. That in itself can become a disorder. All it is… is just energy. Putting too much focus on the act itself is not productive. Many great people in the past focus the sexual energy toward other things. They are not so focus on the physical sex of cumming. They use the sex drive to be creative and empower their other goals in life.

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You are mistaken in your assumption of me. I was asking questions to seek knowledge. But I digress.

Haha, that’s funny you said that. I was at the gym yesterday and thought entered my mind briefly then left as quickly as it entered. Obviously there are many very attractive women who are in shape showing skin at the gym.

In the past I would be more consumed by the lustful feelings throughout my sessions at the gym when seeing these beautiful women. I actually went from lust to just admiring their beauty. I wasn’t even making the attempt to do this haha.

Anyways thank you for your comment. So just to clarify your saying “saint-mode” is not masturbating or having sex at all and the other practice is just retaining it while engaging in sexual activities? Is my perception correct in what you were trying to convey?

Bookmarked :smiley:


Yes those are the core principles. Your interpretations are correct. And again, just to be perfectly clear, there are varying levels of each method. As a general rule for anything in magic, you shouldn’t half ass something. As in, if there are two options is is often times better to just pick one and perfect it, than to get the “best of both worlds” because you’ll end up half assing both. Then again, there are a lot of cases where that’s simply not true. Since sexuality is highly personal to the individual, it’s truly up to you what path you wanna take with sex magic, since if you do it right it will actually have effects waaaay beyond your jerk off sessions (or lack therof) and transform your spirit and specialize various currents of the higher self/godform.
Heres my personal example, to give whoever’s interested an example of how far reaching the effects are:
I’m currently working with what I call “cyber femboy eroticism” with a primary focus on autoeroticism and a secondary focus on sacred masculine homoeroticism. Technically, I am bisexual, but this means I’m only indulging in the energies of myself and other men, while I embrace more femininity into myself. And NO, I am not trying to make myself a woman. I’ve always had a natural affinity for cyber currents as well as feminine male energy, so I’m just perfecting it here. But, with the training I do, which for me mostly involves semen retention for days and release every third, with masturbation being every day and non-ejaculatory orgasms are allowed, while projecting a pure feminine essence in front of me (basically just a whirlwind that is my Deva) and connecting to it.
Long story short, this has allowed my GODFORM to take on a new mindset itself, wherein I can be completely “autoerotic” within my higher magic. I’m essentially a builder god, so I know I gotta use feminine and masculine energies to build anything, but with this alchemy I’ve evolved my godform to actually be more independent and self sustaining. I actually dont need any external feminine energy or manifestation to work. Nor do I need masculine, but that one is optional (doesn’t really matter why, I’ll end it there).
So, I’ve actually found that with that alchemy my ability to perform magic has grown immensely, and the amount of PRIDE that emanates from not just my lower mind, but my Godself as well, in being on track with creating my “perfect sexuality” within myself is fucking awesome.
The release every 3 days is to help keep myself sexual. I still like semen retention stuff, a lot, but with me being geared towards cyber currents as well, which is very asexual by default, I dont need to give my body more incentive to chuck it out than it already does. If nothing else, it feels good to keep my semen in me to “charge” for what I feel is a good amount of time, before releasing it and feeding it to my altar.
So, sex magic is fucking awesome when you put actual thought and discipline into it, to have it take you where you want to be. I still think semen retention should be at the very least somewhat included though, as having a rule for yourself saying “I’ll only ejaculate on xyz day or for xyz purpose” really helps the discipline mindset and grounds things very well if nothing else. But I guess that’s more like “semen restriction” huh.


Damn man that’s some crazy stuff!


Yea I heard many famous historical figures like Davinci and I know there are others that didn’t sleep with women for that reason. I don’t know if it’s true but I read that somewhere. For me personally I can’t see myself at this point in my life never having sex again or jerking it lol.

I could, I mean anyone could but I don’t want to. I’d much rather go the other route. I was a bit confused by the whole amount of time for retention for it to be of benefit to someone. I’m sure I will learn more about this as I dive into deeper knowledge. Thank you for sharing.

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Not that I personally am aware of, I take the muggle route of not having enough money for testosterone replacement therapy, and used Extenze until my noodle was pretty much cooked.
So, I can say from my personal experience, absolutely not, It is what it is.

Not exactly magick, but I have used remote seduction fairly extensively and several men I knew who were also into it swore by nofap as a way of enhancing their energy and overall power. But then it gets confusing as I think Damon Brand in his book on sex magick mentioned how he often had orgasms. Or maybe I didn’t understand it properly. But the impression I got was that he climaxed rather often.

How did you feel when you were abstinence and how did you feel after you ejaculated? Which feeling do you like better?

Whenever I feel stagnant and lack of vitality, I abstain from ejaculation. It doesn’t have to one or the other. Moderation is the key, imo.

If you wanna have the cake and eat it too, look up multiorgasmic techniques by using Kegel muscles. It worked for me, and I’m getting back into it.

I realized that I like feeling lustful desires that motivates me to flirt with women in man-to-woman interactions.

Once I cleared blockages and tensions in my body, intense stored up sexual energy feels like powerful euphoria and animalistic instincts.

Every knowledge is simply a tool. It’s up to you know yourself and your desires to use your wisdom to apply it or not apply it.

I don’t know. I’ve encountered many different traditions in which this is an essential component of spiritual practice. However, I disagree with the masters sometimes. If I find that I’m too focused on sex, especially in some frivolous way, I’d often prefer to get it out of my system (just get off in any old way), in order to concentrate on spiritual advancement. If I go for too long without any form of sexual release, it simply manifests in my dreams, sometimes in miserable ways (endless teasing, not being able to complete sexual stimulation, or waking up in physical pain). But that’s just me. Your mileage may vary.

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