Document empowering

Good hello all,

I’m new here and want to greet everyone.

I don’t know who here has used sigil magic with paperwork they send off to others but thought I’d present you with details of my situation.

I’m currently engaged in resolving a legal dispute where the other party is lying and trying to deprive me of my lawful and inalienable rights.

What I’d like to do is include some runes in the document which I can then empower to accomplish my desired goals. Has anyone here done anything like this? What about servitors? Has anyone here created a servitor and implanted it into a document in order to have them exert their power over the recipient of the document and all those that handle it?

Does anyone here have any advice, suggestions or stories to add?

Thanks in advance,


PS: Happy new year!

Hello E,

What I can recommend is to not send paperwork with sigils on them. All that will do is freak out the person reading it and may backfire.

What I do is a method recommended by Jason Miller. I make a “master copy” of the document I intend on sending out, then draw the sigils or attach the spirit to that. Then I link the document I intend to send out to the master copy so whatever I do to the master copy will effect all other copies of the document. Works great with resumes and legal documents.

Good luck,

If the document has letterhead you can put a small sigil the size of a pixel in using photoshop or other such software that will not be seen by the naked eye. I have no clue how to do that stuff I’m computer illiterate as hell.

  • also. depending upon the “use” of the sigil:
    whether it is to “radiate” an affect from the paper-document, vs

    affect/influence the receiver/reader of the document ‘directly’ via the sigil, ie not thru the paper-doc, vs

    influence/affect the situation, including any-all others involved in the sit… again not the paper so much, but to Assist what the paper is trying to achieve.

-this can be a sigil to “spell” nudge things to end up a certain way… or could be to change your own state of mind while your “write-edit-update” the doc (do you want the sigil-influence to inspire-inform you as writing, or just write whatever “boilerplate-doc” and the sigil is to be make the reader love it)

-that last part reminds me of the saying about Greek Philosophers: there was one who was known to give a speech and people stood and cheered (if being cheered, and having your presentation, is the goal), vs another who when he gave a speech… people stood and marched… (no comment, no cheering, but they acted- the result not to win the “hearts&minds” but to cause a certain mass-mob action)… could be more subtle of “inserting” a v-meme, where the listeners/readers don’t think much of what they read, even forget all about, but their actions/thoughts seem to indicate they were influenced by…

in short- one’s magic should be in the everpresent-moment influencing-shaping whatever aspect of the sit that you are Seeking (and Able) to affect, and not “necessarily” be linked via some covert-substance/

(by “necessarily” meaning, one could choose that medium-channel, but those that seem to indicate that a “slight modification of chance can occur, by subliminally attacking another” might seem to question if those are magically affecting or just ‘mental’ or just coincident -ie in a court case, one needn’t send a letter with “powder” or other symbols, to jurymembers/judge/or opposing party to have the case (?)

[to respond to what might be the question beneath the question, rather than how to actually embed a sigil… what might be the reason to seek that? is the sigil- or other magick- being applied to the sit…]

to riff upon what -TWF- wrote, also watermarking an image, for print or digital… if seeking physically add (clear draw upon~ invis ink)

or “embedding” in a picture (if a photo or design is included- digitally vs print) then every-other line (ie how info can be encrypted in picts, also the GIF “moving pict” aspects)… or the approach-thought of “imagining” a symbolic-eform that is attached and stays with the paper (but all this as above in terms of purpose).

Disappearing ink. It should give you just enough time to activate the sigil.

Hello there and thanks for your input thus far. As you can probably tell from my name on here (Einherjar), I follow the path of Northern Europe (what many today know as Asatru) but focus more on the Anglo-Saxon variation since I am English. The sigils I had in mind were runes and as such I use then in various places throughout the document such as three ‘Dagaz’ runes with the one in the middle slightly larger than the other two. This is just so it’s clear it’s the end of the document. Another is I sometimes put the full futhorc at the top in the header (just the equivalent of A - Z). I think that because of books like Lord of the Rings, most people are familiar with them and if asked, I just say I like the way they look (which is the truth). I agree with Orismen that it would make people wary of the document if they saw symbols they perceived as being occult.

The reasons I thought about doing this are because I’m currently involved in a legal dispute with people that lie at every turn and refuse to obey the law (because they know they’re breaking it). I want to set it up so that anyone who touches or reads the document will first of all recognise that it’s the truth (which it is) and that they should obey the law. I want them to know that if they do what I want they will prosper and be at peace but begin to feel dread and worry, etc if they do not do the honourable thing. If this happens, I want them to begin to suffer bad luck that gets ever worse as time goes by. I also want them to suffer from increasing ill-health if they begin to take any action against me that would cause me harm. I want to include a servitor or wight of some sort inside the document that will work to direct and direct whatever power is needed towards the relevant person in question.

This may sound nasty but I’ve given them plenty of chances to do the honourable thing and they refuse every time. But, even now, I’m prepared to deal with them positively.



Einherjar- it sounds like (in your second paragraph, above) that you have the concept-goal worked out, just need to have A) a method of encoding that set of ideas into B) enfusing/firing-off/targeting (ie not just “enchanting” but making sure it is received and affects… such that (A) has the concept-goal of your 2ndP…
so whether you are using the runes to ‘spell’ out that idea, or just set a key … or just a single rune, and how to em-power it, might be your question (or perhaps, from your post above you have all that Worked out- but it seems your “magickal-method”-ology is the question, which would depend upon how you have understood the path/Asatru (and any else)/ you are utilizing-expressing.

-btw- good luck (and all the instability such an infusion brings), and greets

also last thought-
perhaps much to this might also be related to a twist in your interaction with this sit (you mention it seems to have nearly progressed and they keep refusing or otherwise not doing it)
- the idea of some influence holding its blockage [I don’t mean a counter-person, but a stuckness, as well as some meaning in the Overall Pattern that it is/has been… which is revealed as it

[quote=“Einherjar, post:6, topic:2295”]Hello there and thanks for your input thus far. As you can probably tell from my name on here (Einherjar), I follow the path of Northern Europe (what many today know as Asatru) but focus more on the Anglo-Saxon variation since I am English. The sigils I had in mind were runes and as such I use then in various places throughout the document such as three ‘Dagaz’ runes with the one in the middle slightly larger than the other two. This is just so it’s clear it’s the end of the document. Another is I sometimes put the full futhorc at the top in the header (just the equivalent of A - Z). I think that because of books like Lord of the Rings, most people are familiar with them and if asked, I just say I like the way they look (which is the truth). I agree with Orismen that it would make people wary of the document if they saw symbols they perceived as being occult.

The reasons I thought about doing this are because I’m currently involved in a legal dispute with people that lie at every turn and refuse to obey the law (because they know they’re breaking it). I want to set it up so that anyone who touches or reads the document will first of all recognise that it’s the truth (which it is) and that they should obey the law. I want them to know that if they do what I want they will prosper and be at peace but begin to feel dread and worry, etc if they do not do the honourable thing. If this happens, I want them to begin to suffer bad luck that gets ever worse as time goes by. I also want them to suffer from increasing ill-health if they begin to take any action against me that would cause me harm. I want to include a servitor or wight of some sort inside the document that will work to direct and direct whatever power is needed towards the relevant person in question.

This may sound nasty but I’ve given them plenty of chances to do the honourable thing and they refuse every time. But, even now, I’m prepared to deal with them positively.



You could stamp a miniature of the stave into the document, which is similar to carving- and paper is wood. Then perform your work, and print on this document.
My 2 ¢

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Brother Einherjar,

You could place your Bindrune underneath the stamp.

Some fab ideas have been presented, I personally just imbue them with my will or tie in energy via Seidr. Often I simply use my Sorcerers Sigil or my Personal Bindrune to enact the link. Setting up a ‘recorded message with a few extras added’

Frith and Weal

I too am English, now living in Scotland