Do We Have Past Lives?

Does there any thing like past life. I belive in God but I think there is nothing like past life.

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Based on my Personal Experience i would say Yes
Also Science teach that Nothing is created, nothings is Destroyed but all is Transformed, for me this is Backing the Idea of Past Life as well. Since we are Made of Energy, there is no reason that before the Life we live now, We didn’t have other Body(Life) etc…

I dont believe in divine justice part of karma,but i do feel past lives exist…for example if you were a guard or soldier in your previous life you may develop ocd for rules and regulations ,if you were a hunter you may have adhd…check out the farmer vs hunter theory for adhd on google…so yes behaviours skills prodigies personalities phobias birth marks are strongly carried on from past lives but i do not know totally about luck and misfortunes and its relationship with past lives…and do check out dalai lama and the tibetan buddhist orders which are based on past lives

In fact shittiest thing about past lives is that suffering in the past lives by any factor will tend to cause its negative effect in the current life…thus indian sages were dying for moksha…u learn one thing in one life…its no use in the next life…even u may learn the opposite to survive…so its a pretty fucked up situation and this goes on and on

There’s no hope until you seize the axis mundi/Sampo/World Tree/Power Eye of being the centre of creation, when all else falls away and is shown up as shadows, and begin to consciously co-create your world.

Before that, you’re just a thing bobbing haplessly in an ocean of other things, hoping for a favourable current.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:7, topic:8319”]There’s no hope until you seize the axis mundi/Sampo/World Tree/Power Eye of being the centre of creation, when all else falls away and is shown up as shadows, and begin to consciously co-create your world.

Before that, you’re just a thing bobbing haplessly in an ocean of other things, hoping for a favourable current.[/quote]

In other words…a Singularity.

“Self-realised” (capital S) as opposed to “self-identifying” with ego, preferences, and limitations, is the term popular in RHP circles, but basically, yes.

Have felt the entirety of manifest creation collapse back inside your head like bubble-gum blown out then collapsing back into the mouth, all that. :slight_smile:

I can only speak for me. but during certain ‘jarring’ events in my life, NDE’s etc; i have had pieces of Past Lives come up to my memory. So far i have about7-9, I have never done regression due to A- I don’t trust; B- I am not , so far, hynotysable.
short answer yes. but if someone has not had the memory open to their mind then _NO - until then.

Does there any thing like past life. I belive in God but I think there is nothing like past life.[/quote]

I have been slowly developing a sense of some of my past lives so I think, yes they do exist. But some people have had more lives that others. Does that make them special? No. It doesn’t. I’m not special because my first incarnation was a really long time ago. I think what you do here, in your current incarnation, can make you special.

There should be a contest to see who is MORE SPECIAL.

[quote=“Biosynth, post:12, topic:8319”]There should be a contest to see who is MORE SPECIAL.[/quote] Anyone posting or reading this forum is more special than the sheep of the common folk. I hate humans…,

Does there any thing like past life. I belive in God but I think there is nothing like past life.[/quote]

That would be weird if we did have past lives that all came back at a later time and co-existed. How would the consciousness thing work then? Would u all share the same consciousnes or just be individual duplicates?

Sadly past lives explain why someone appears more special than others.its just that he got more practice and experience from past lives…so if u go deep into past lives any narssisist can cure their condition. Of being grandiose

There is.

It’s called Life. :wink:

Past lives isnt necessarily a “curse.” It is rather something of a Blessing that should be capitalized upon. Bring the old into the new. One can be cursed or Blessed by the Ancestors. Just as some evolve the Source, one can also evolve ones Godform and Life.

Whether it is grandiose or not it is up to you to make something of it. Normally this word is due to others sticking their nose in other peoples business where it doesnt belong, rather than embracing their own blessing to see who is more special.

Many Thai people believe that when they pray to Buddha or a Deva for something luck can be taken from past lives and future lives. If luck is taken from future lives Merit must be done to replace it or you won’t have
luck needed to fulfill objectives.

Not necessarily Merit. You cannot steal from yourself, but rather redeploy energy. If a Future life was a result of good luck because of Merit, thrn one would need to make the proper sacrifice for a different future life (Merit).

I believe we have past lives. I have experieced flashes of some of mine. I actually know who i was one past life and discovered i was making the same mistakes again in this life. Though now i am making changes so that this life isnt just stuck on repeat. I want to become more than i was in that life. And show that s.o.b. that he can be angry at the world and he can hate me but i will never commit suicide again he will never destroy me again. Because hes tried in this life to do it again a push me over the edge. But this time im gonna out live that pos. And hopefully watch him suffer and die. One life wasnt enough i guess. But this time i win!