Do people limit themselves and magick when it comes to performing them for online or overseas needs?

I’ve read a few things, not from this forum but from others that claim magick doesn’t work well when performing it on someone at a great distance from you …but I’ve had luck with that more than once. Are they just limiting the magick with doubt or does it not work with everyone?

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I agree @Blade_Brooks distance has never been an issue for me even with joint work on Astro travel and other areas of interest to me.
Personally I believe we only limit ourselves and abilities.
It’s easier to blame the magic then work on ourselves.

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Agreed, distance is not a factor when it comes to magic. How often use a photo or an address to pinpoint a location but that’s just my preference and helps me focus a little better.


Distance doesn’t matter, people who find that they need the individual to be within their space to perform their magick isn’t so much limiting, but it can be. As not everyone has the same strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Some cannot go beyond their space with things such as direct energy, but with the help of other entities. However, as one progresses they can move past that limitation due to doubt or due to their own current “level”


At least on one occasion for a love spell I did target someone living on another continent.
I don’t remember if I contacted an entity but, when the magician does not, there isn’t a risk to waste the Spirits time.
Provided that the operator is serious, it’s a way to improve confidence, to have more “faith” in success of the workings.

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Interesting. I’ve done love and other things but I’ve always used a spirit.

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The distance issue is only an issue if you start to think of the distance and feel the distance, thus impacting your focused effort to cast the spell, but this is not a real issue, as most people don’t seem to think about distance when casting a spell.

From my understanding, space have no impact on magical force.

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