I recently purchased a book on the grabovoi codes and wanted to know has anybody had any luck with these codes and do they work?
First time hearing about them. I think they may be channeled or created numbers that are sort of like sigils or mantras, and then they are further charged by so many people using them.
Yes, they really work, but unfortunately it usually takes a little longer. I know several people who have been using them successfully for years to combat health problems. I also tried them briefly but never had the patience to work with them long term. The few times I put a glass of water on a number and drank the water later I didn’t notice any effect.
Another thing that occurred to me: Grabovoi’s techniques are used in Russia to grow new teeth. As far as I know, there are also individual cases here in Germany where it has been possible to regrow a tooth using these techniques. (The numbers are not sufficient here; further techniques have to be used for that).
Btw Grabovoi seems to be both a genious and a lunatic. He told the Russian government that he could bring back to life children killed in hostage-taking in exchange for money, for which he was sentenced to prison.