Do entities tell you when you will die?

A few weeks ago i did my first Phenex invocation.
A truly amazing spirit and very strong, special energy!.
After the working when i was meditating on the energy, i had the feeling that the questions i asked him are a part of my higher calling.

Suddenly he told me that i will achieve everything i have to achieve by age 27 and that i will die.

Now, i know that the meaning of death is mostly symbolic, but somehow the feeling that i will die by
then haunts me…

A medium i contacted doubts that Phenex will tell such things like that you will literally die or when, also because the mythology and the symbolism of the Phoenix etc.
But yesterday during meditation i felt the same energy back of the things he told me, the working etc and the fear is awakaned again…

Opinions please or practitioners with similair expieriences?


Maybe you have to totally change a part of yourself and you’ll feel like you’re killing your old self.
I had to go through that once it was awful. Rebirth was very tough and it left me empty and confused, and not knowing anything about myself. But it was necessary. I like the self I am now, it’s more sustainable.


But somehow, the feeling of literally dying is haunting me …
I don’t know why.
I already ‘died’ symbolically, like leaving behind the old self a few times

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They can tell you but it’s not very common.

Once there was a woman and her husband was an alcoholic guy if my memory serves me right. Goddess Kali told that woman that his husband will die soon (within 6 or 12 months, I don’t remember) and after his death her children will become successful and her husband did died.

You can change your fate/destiny most of the time. Evoke Phenex again and ask him/her if that death would be symbolical or physical and if there’s any way to stop it.


Thanks alot for the info!


I feel that it would most likely be a symbolic one. Like achieving all the powers that you wanted and then taking a very big turn in your life and ‘killing’ your old self, probably for your own good.


Well i really hope so.
It’s just that somehow this went into my head like a real life death…

A medium i’ve contacted told me the same thing though


Hard fate’s a rarity and invoked demons aren’t compelled to honesty. Be skeptical.

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True that…

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Is it possible that Phenex realizes one of your fears and is inspiring you in some strange way. I’d say if your destined for great things with an expiration date hanging over your head, your either to give up or push that much harder. I tend to lean with the second option.


Death for entities is not the death we think they refer to. Death for entities is the period when a cycle ends. Life is an endless collective of cycles.
The entities don’t see you just as a physical body, but as a corporeal entity. They probably mean that there is gonna be a massive change within you. So what they mean is that at that age something will happen, and tht the “you” who you are now will die, to give place to a new you.


I’m not afraid to die, i just don’t want to die that soon you know xp
But i understand what you mean

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I know but the irritating thing is that for some reason fear for my physical death is implemented in my mind while i’m VERY aware of the spiritual meaning of death.
That’s the whole thing that makes it weird.
The medium told me the same thing but yesterda while feeling the same energies it was there again…

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What do you define as death?

For Me Death is transformation.
But the feeling i gained was from a physical death somehow as in dying from age etc.
Or at least that feeling was awakaned in me.

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Demons told me that i will die too in my experience means a total change is coming

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I’ve never done a Phenex invocation however I have experienced something very similar.

In one of my ritual meditations I found myself dying and being reborn over and over and over and over… and over… It felt like it lasted days but in reality it was only minutes.

My experience was a bit different though, I wasn’t told that I would achieve my goals / dreams or any of that but I was shown that we have to work toward our goals to achieve what we want. We can’t just dream and hope we make it. Since mine are a bit more visual, I think it was showing me how easily you can manifest thoughts into reality.

I do know though from experience that some entities are trolls and will tell you lies just for fun. Not sure about Phenex at all though. I have been trolled by Lilith before after working with her. She kept sending spiders out of my sink / bath tub.

I’d probably think less about the death aspect and more on what you were “shown.”

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Yeah the trolling can be messed up though… i have the same expierence with some.
That meditation, did you felt strong kundalini energy aswell?


The majority of my meditations are Kundalini based to be honest.

I tend to focus inward when doing rituals instead of outward. It’s probably why I’ve always been better at invocations than evocations.

I actually like when you get trolled because you know it worked.

Same here.
Aswell for the meditarions as for rhe invocations.
Yes but sometimes its a test that gived you insight at the same time