Do demons target religious folk more than anyone else?

As the title suggests.

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I dont think so mate.Possibility of a demon hunting you because someone believes they are evil? I dont think they give a shit about it.


Nope not in my experience. Most don’t give a rat’s ass about religion.

LHP people is super religious, would they be targeted too? o.o

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Sure, in shows like A Haunting or Paranormal Survivor :slight_smile:

Some religious people show signs and symptoms of supposed possessions, because they’re told /encouraged to, thinking that every time they have sinful feelings or actions, it must be because a “demon” has possessed them.


But… but… you sure? They are possessed. They are all possessed. In some of these religions they believe every tiny little thing is coming not from their own desires; from their own evil side, so to speak; from their own wants and needs and weaknesses and so on. But, from the devil.

You see, they are aaaaaaahhhll possessed. We should booouuuuurn them. To get rid of the evuuuuuuul in them… oh wait, that was 500 years ago and they did it with witches, not… uh, my mistake!!! :rofl:

If anything, the devil just hints them at the things they like and desire and wish and are weak for. And puts them in front of them. They’re then doing the rest alone.

(not meant to insult anyone’s beliefs, I have christian friends and family, all respectful people - there’s a bit of seriousness in my post hidden, but for those who didn’t realize, a lot a lot more of humor and irony!)


Nope I wouldn’t say so… but when it comes to religious folk, those with complete faith in their beliefs, whatever they may be, I do find them harder to effect through magic and witchcraft.

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You’re right, you so much as sneeze without someone promptly saying “bless you” and you get possessed! Bahaha

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In some cases, yes

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Coming from an ultra religious background I would say quite possibly because there is a huge focus and attention on them … whereas other people don’t really even necessarily pay enough attention to believe in their existence. Coming out the other side of it I have learned to view them differently but I do often wonder if I’m hindered by the amount of religious stuff likely floating around in my subconscious magick wise

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Religious people are targets in some sense but also all people are prone as targets depending on the cause.

Religious people can be extremely tough to penetrate, sometimes their faith (Catholicism, Islam) is so strong that many curses and psychic attacks are literally ricocheted through the power of faith which is deemed by Hermes the most powerful healer, and in that case protector.

Demon and other beings are capable of penetrating all kinds of shields but I believe religious people aren’t the only focus of these matters unless it’s some form of intervention or retribution.

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I find thoughtforms are more likely to target religious & spiritual people in general.

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Read E A Koettings Become A Living God ebook. He talks about Demons and christian possession ( he makes it clear that most of these people are not possessed.

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I’ve found that spiritual activity by various types of nonphysical people is more likely to happen around spiritual people/otherwise believers. Like those of us who interact with spirits a lot tend to be sort of beacons I suppose :sweat_smile: We get lots of attention on the other side. I get loads of “visitors” regularly, but I’m an Oracle, so it’s just…ok cool whatever. If they start acting stupid I can evict them from my vicinity. I spend the vast majority of the time partially possessed by various nonphysicals (with limits and security settings and permissions), helping me with my functionality. I have to remind myself sometimes that this is not “normal”, even within the meta community in general, and watch who I’m talking to. :stuck_out_tongue:


First let me start by saying I’m not xtian, but was raised Roman Catholic, I’ve also been to other churches as a visitor. These people with their ignorance and knowledge of the very book that they promote so highly, can and do bring this on themselves because in certain churchy type situations they challenge demons and treat them disrespectfully when their own Bible says that not even an Archangel would do that, and warns them not to. If you ask me, they deserve it.

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They target all on the path to freedom - the freer you become the more they try to stop you. Look up the Desert fathers on youtube.


Many are indeed easy targets, but I think it may be because many people have damaged auras due to mental illness, traumas past lives contracts etc. Or are vibrating very low. Not necessarily due to religion. :woman_shrugging:

Perhaps religious people are more sensitive and tend to blame demons for their own failure, making others believe demons love to attack religious folks :thinking: