Do casting love or lust spells interrupt ascent?

Just wondering, Im currently approaching 52 years of age, and have heart issues in the family. Im devoid of testosterone and trying to avoid joblessness and homelessness, so working on myself and my ascent. So if someone casts a love or lust spell on me, interrupting my work, doesnt that harm my ascent and work?


It would depend whether uniting with them is going to help give you more security and power, as a person and therefore as a mage.

It could be good, they may be seeing you as a diamond in the rough and wanting you in their lives, so you can both ascend together (ascent doesn’t have to go with asceticism or celibacy). It all comes down to motive and what that person is all about.


I’m curious how to ensure you get this kind of person. Is there magick thar would help weed out the people who use and abuse people?


Probably too big a topic for me to write much on right now, but I would think it would be more along the lines of personal energy work, knowing oneself and how patterns may repeat (we often find patterns of our parents, especially, in others), and then stuff with ancestors and Higher Selves, but almost certainly not straight to demons, or stuff like that. :thinking:


I still need to work with mine. But thank you❤


Never thought about that. Great point!!

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Energy work and pattern recognition, then ancestors and higher selves.
I am technically still a Mormon, so I get notices about baptisms for the dead. Perhaps I should go experience it at that point with ancestors.


This would bother the hell outta me, and I’d resist to the nine…just to prove I could for resistance’s sake…

I’m insecure like that, but I also cannot stand being manipulated/ controlled, even if I want the final result. Probs the Gen-X in me coming out…

I’d also view it as a test/ trial of some sort…


Not wanting to hijack this thread, but, does casting love spells (as opposed to being the recipient, which is OPs position) interfere with your ascent? What about death spells? Enochian keys? Anything?


Gen Xer here too. I feel ya.

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Absolutely. I guess thats why there are so many war oriaented goetia folks?

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I think that they can, anything can intentionally (or not) affect our workings. Will as the solution, and probably the cause of people wondering why their target is hard to hit or the ritual isnt working as planned?

I like using the word climb, so simple :slight_smile:

“Interfering with climb” can take structure in billions of various ways as long as your a physical incarnation. That’s really the whole point. We build tools we work with or against.

The motivation behind why I don’t do love spells is on the grounds that I believe I’m removing the freedom of thought from somebody at the expense of a partner who will passive-aggressively squeeze the trigger or rather, shoot a love arrow from the bow and have all out predominance?

So many repercussions…

It likewise makes an expanding influence that can affect an practitioner in case they’re not prepared or totally ready enough.

Anything that interferes with our climb are simply the things harming our regard. That is it, our esteem.

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Also I suggest TRT and see your test results. Many men don’t know this but it’s low test that costs them their fair go at life properly. TRT is just (Test shots) from your doctor. I’ve seen it dramatically improve many lives of frail men with the age whether old or young… Yes it’ll naturally drop, but it’s worth a go if you want a proper boost right now. You can keep cycling

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Just stay focussed on what you’re doing and you’ll be fine. That’s the key: focus.
All of this is about consciousness (human consciousness is a type of that) and where that focus rests is what becomes the general nature of your conditions. At least, that’s how it works within the illusion of humanity.


X’er here too. Same.


With a bit of delay about being the “sender”, according to E.A. such spells may be part of Ascent (he tends to talk about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) and, for example, in the Tantra there is the notion of yoga i.e. spiritual growth and bhoga (enjoyment) being united, differently from the traditional view of their opposition.

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If you ever come back Fuego and are still in need of help I would recommend Morino Ravenburg . He while expensive does know what he is doing and might be able to help you with your love/financial problems. He helped me with a personal problem which I could not overcome myself easily.