Do anybody know who Laziel it,s?

I asked before I was going to sleep who my protector was.
I had a strange dream I saw a men only its was not very clear he said to me laziel reedem redrum. I asked him who he was he said to me I can change chemetrics and redeem people and change the world for the better what does he mean with that?
I also remember that he had a orange light around him.

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Dont know if it is the same entity, but there is angel called very similar - Lazai or Lazay, and it is called for consecraing fire. It’s all information i did find.
But also is there a possibility that you misheard his name? Because Raziel is also a name that rise in my mind.


Do you know if he its associated with number 11.11?

Well, if we put name of Raziel in gematria we have Resz Zain Yod Aleph Lamed and walues of letters are 200 + 7 + 10+ 1 + 30 = 248 => 2+4+8= 14=> 5 so i don’t see any association.
For Laziel we can have Lamed Zain Yod Aleph Lamed and we have from this 78 -> 7+8 -> 15 -> 6 ;
here also i don’t see any. But maybe someone who is more experienced in gematria will see something more than me.

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Thank you for the answer🙂

That name and your description sound very familiar… If you have any more information about that entity, please tell me.

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He said to me also that I was his feeder.
Do you know what that means?
Sorry as this sounds crazy

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I can’t say I know what he means, but maybe he meant that he’s been feeding off your energy. It’s not crazy, this is a forum where you can say anything freely.
The main reason why I asked you about him is that your description sounds a lot like my guide. Similar name, likes to change people and things for the better, often has a white or green light around him (depends)… I’ve only seen him emit orange light once though.
However he doesn’t agree with “feeding” off of someone’s energy, he prefers exchange, and “feeding” another person.
Could you describe his appearance?

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He appeared to me like a tall man around 2.20 in height he had purple with black clothes on and I couldn’t see his face.
This is what I saw🙂

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Ok I haven’t seen anyone like that, except my guide is tall, but that’s all very interesting! You should try to contact that entity again and ask him about himself, he seems to like you… Let me know when you do :slight_smile: You can pm me if you want

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How can I pm you?

“Murder, my dear, lies in all.” Is what a feminine male voice said to me as I read “laziel redeem redrum.”

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I have contact him he said he was a deity of death.