"Dishonouring" a flame with feminine blood

This is off EA’s “Evocation Of Azi Dahaka” vid - he talks about how bodily substances like blood, hair, saliva, dishonour a flame, making it a portal for Ahriman - well, I don’t buy that simple dualism (dark/evil versus good/nice) that those Persian guys went in for, though I do believe in an anti-life current that wants zero, nothing, decay, despair; but, meanwhile I’m planning to soak some candle-wicks in menstrual blood (NOT very lady-like, but I hope we can move past that!) and try them as portals.


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They don’t act at portals for Ahriman solely lol. They act as direct portals to you. Blood, hair, saliva, etc, contain DNA. You open a portal to you, through which the entity can enter.

Blood is the best portal. And you can create that much better if you put the blood on a sigil, rather than a candle.

On that nexus - bleeding out life, whilst still capable of bearing it - you are (I know this) at the axis of life/death in a way that’s … unusual.

Ahriman is a title - the idea of burning to get there isn’t a new idea, but making a candle (with relevant stuff in the wax) - yeah, I’d done handprints before, stuff, but not soaking wicks. I’m playing with that next few weeks, “a gift for a gift” and all that. :wink:

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Vaginal Knitting (The Feed)

What will be the purpose of this? I would say that the flame itself is a gateway or portal and the blood, hair or whatever one chooses would only serve as one seems to want to use it. Menstral blood and sexual fluids have a long history of being used in sex/love magick and was never thought of as defiling the flame. If one wishes to use it as a way of adding impurity to light (symbolically of course ) then I see that as more of the intention behind the rite more than the actual links used.

Treating the flame as a gateway to bring forth ones desires ( classic candle magick) is nothing new, using it to symbolically connect to an energy or current is something I’ve not thought of before.


[quote="-TWF-, post:5, topic:2515"]What will be the purpose of this? I would say that the flame itself is a gateway or portal and the blood, hair or whatever one chooses would only serve as one seems to want to use it. Menstral blood and sexual fluids have a long history of being used in sex/love magick and was never thought of as defiling the flame. If one wishes to use it as a way of adding impurity to light (symbolically of course ) then I see that as more of the intention behind the rite more than the actual links used.

Treating the flame as a gateway to bring forth ones desires ( classic candle magick) is nothing new, using it to symbolically connect to an energy or current is something I’ve not thought of before.


The idea of “Corrupting the Flame” comes from Zoroastrianism, wherein fire is treated with the respect of a god in itself, only burning select items in it, so that the flame will remain pure. Ahrimanic sorcery includes intentional “impure” sacrifice, thereby “corrupting the flame” and, indeed, opening your own self as the gateway to Ahriman, in a similar way that one cannot summon forth Azi Dahaka, but can presence that through his or her own self. The second sort of sacrifice is one that avoids the flame altogether, and instead casts the impure sacrifice into a dark place, where sunlight will never touch it, to be devoured by darkness itself.

To answer the original post: Yes, menstrual blood would be perfect for this. Notice that within most LHP paradigms, the idea of “impure” or “corrupt” is usually synonymous with liberation, on a personal, scaled, or aeonic level. In using your own menstrual blood, you are not only affirming that the fire is a Gateway of power (which is an obvious externalized symbol of the Inner Flame), but also that you, by your DNA, by your Ancestral Heritage, by your ability to create life, and like Kali, the sacrifice that you offer for this power is your own blood, drawn from you by the moon, the lunar orb which is the Gateway and the Witch’s first initiation. Yes, that blood will work possibly better than most!

Deae EA what is your position regarding sacrificing a princes o priest blood on the altar so Ariman can give you his power?Is he asking for your blood or someones elses blood?thats a part of the video i was thinking about please could you clarify this a bit.

It is a King or a Priest’s blood, rather than Prince. The nature of this sacrifice has been revealed fully to me. I’m not able to say anymore about how I will proceed with it, for my own protection, and for the protection of the Work.

Just realized E.A. has about 7 times the amount of likes as he does posts.

Thanks for the feedback! I’m going to borrow a quote from the thread about the video:

I watched the video a second time and with the intention to get some tangible sign whether this is something I should get involved with, because that newsletter stuff appealed to me, anyway, I did a quick reading on it first and among the cards that came up, the lead card was Temperance, for the outcome, then the “What do I address this to?” was 10 Swords, which in the Rider Waite deck I was using is the guy flat on his face, dead, with ten swords stabbing his back.

This is a card that’s popped up randomly in readings lately, and because I do a lot of free-form stuff (just laying down cards to see the weather for the day) it really got my attention.

Watching the screen and just trancing out a bit, I felt some powerful concepts becoming clearer, just my own ideas about the nature of things sorting themselves out into greater clarity, and I felt strongly like the snake/dragon aspects there had some empowering stuff for me (they’re very significant for me anyway).

Now, I have back problems, and I know they’re basically stemming from a lot of emotional/psychological stuff from my childhood (I’ve even heard from past-life stuff), which I’m working on, but anyway to cut to the real result I caught a catnap of maybe 30, 45 minutes this afternoon, and I’m not exagerrating that a major tendon injury which plays into my back stuff, that I’ve had for years now, is like 80%, 90% better since I lay down for a quick rest - I mean more than it has been in months, because it got worse with the cold weather and some personal stuff I have going on. I was walking round for an hour, and suddenly the penny dropped that it was pretty much better!

So I definitely want to work with this because it’s actually effected a shift in my physical reality just from a relatively low level of engagement, so while it’s a bit off-topic to the OP, it definitely backs up the concept you mentioned above. Cheers!

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:1, topic:2515”]This is off EA’s “Evocation Of Azi Dahaka” vid - he talks about how bodily substances like blood, hair, saliva, dishonour a flame, making it a portal for Ahriman - well, I don’t buy that simple dualism (dark/evil versus good/nice) that those Persian guys went in for, though I do believe in an anti-life current that wants zero, nothing, decay, despair; but, meanwhile I’m planning to soak some candle-wicks in menstrual blood (NOT very lady-like, but I hope we can move past that!) and try them as portals.

Well, some paradigms has that rules or concepts. Probably the term “dishonour” is attached to the “anti matter” more than a sexual cultural concern.

About the menstrual blood combined with a candle is a beautiful stuff and a great work, using the Yin energy of that Blood, u know, u create an Astral Womb to create things.

Even drink the menstrual blood in a loving sexual intercourse, produce a compromise with the Goddess that if applied, let you create forms of life in the astral, from my point of view Menstrual Blood is SACRED

I have a plan now for this, so I’ll post any shareable results, experiences etc., in due time.

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