Discussing Narcissists

This is a stub to move some posts from Duke Dantalion said yes, now saying no...is this a test? that deserve their own topic.


Ah got it… LOL. I’ve read some about narcs, but never heard of the poop test. So effing true!!! I finally didn’t take it from this dude I dated, and in one day, he tossed me out of his flock of stooges and even sent the flying monkeys … unfortunately this dude also has powers which he is abusing (remote viewing, channeling) to seek revenge in what he considers is ‘eye-for-an-eye,’ but he has the story twisted. I can’t control what he thinks of me, and just want out of his tangled web of distorted facts. I just think he’s an idiot child for not using the intelligence he was born with to figure out the truth, and I used to think he was a soul who really did want to see truth no matter the cost, but now I’ve lost that respect for him. He’s just like all the rest. Fie.
I don’t even feel like using any demons to try to help him anymore. His free will has spoken. (WOW— I didn’t expect this anger to come out, but Ima leave it there!)


Better out than in…but yeah would appreciate you taking a breath, letting it go and moving on from him and it.
Don’t want this to start to derail my thread!
As that’s just what a narcissist would want! :wink:


Oh yeah - at that point his priority would be to completely discredit you and ruin your reputation so nothing you said would clue in his other victims.

Go no contact. You can’t reason, you can’t play his game his way. You have to cut him out of your whole life, asap, move away if you have to. He’s about as close to actual evil as it gets pre psycopathy, and you can be sure he lied about wanting truth because he saw you wanted it and he was trying to resonate with you to get you under control… they’re experts at that, it’s what they do. He’s bad news, it’ll be worth the expense and the effort, - it’ll cost you so much more if you don’t - just get him out.


My only question is: how do people become like this? I think I have an answer, and it has to do with deep fear and self-loathing, deep injury in childhood, I wish so so so much I could help, and … gosh my empathic entity just got activated. Shush, in there! I have to quiet her down because she’s quite self-destructive in giving too much. So now I’ve got two sides of me - both kind and harsh. With these people, empathy is hard… but then has anyone ever seen the movie Kirikou??? Kirikou and the Sorceress - Trailer - YouTube

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@BendTheKnee While I sympathise with what you are going through as it’s obviously dominating your thoughts, feelings and actions. I asked nicely for you to not derail my thread…if you want a discussion about this subject than can you please remove your post from here and start a new one of your own…thanks!


Eek! You are right. Sorry! But I don’t know how to delete. Seems like all these words are now written in the ink of blood on stone. Am i missing the delete button?

You only have a few minutes and the posts become uneditable.
@Lady_Eva has the privs to split posts off into a different topic though if that’s desired.

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:+1: Here you go folks.


Thank you. Something happened to me this evening. Something wonderful. I now no longer stand behind any of the words i wrote while in separation. A union of understanding occurred. I cannot put it to words. My ex…he is me. He is me.

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Oh, it’s called re evaluation or ‘love bombing’ Dopamine is flooding your brain. It will last 2 weeks until de evaluation and smearing. Good luck though. x


Well said. Victims get sucked into love bombing, de evaluation and smearing and then love bombing again. The cycle of spiritual death.


There isn’t a separation. Just perception that there are separate beings. There is a truth that what we do or think about others is about ourselves … Brutal honesty and talking with Lucifer helped me see this ugly truth about myself. Pain. Tears. Relief in Truth. I love truth.


Wow… this.

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I have met a few Narcs. I hope to never meet one again. I would rather have a house full of cockroaches and rats than a Narc near me again