Hello, It’s bothering me a bit, so I want to ask if anyone can tell me if, and who, intervened in order to hurt my cat? I’ll sum it up here, since I didn’t mean for it to be so long. My cat got sick, but she was getting better, healthier. I fed her serums specifically for cats to fix her body so she can push out the toxins/illness, had she taken them long enough. I contacted an angel (Seheiah) and even asked Archangel Michael for help, as he most often helps. Cats/people around me have died on the 24th/25th of December before. I was baptised as a child, but haven’t really been religious, as my mom denied “his” existance when I was little, yet we celebrated Christmas for years. Does it have anything to do with that? I accept Christmas as a harvesting festival. I know the original holiday was saturnalia, I will assume most know why I would be suspicious about that, when it comes to Saturn, and if not I won’t explain as I don’t want to be labeled a termin.
I know it’s probably silly, but I wanted to explain the whys and hows. Because everything was screaming about how it’s not gonna work out, but we pushed through it, it did work out. In the end, she WAS getting better. It felt sudden, though I understand it might be just me being biased. Now, I don’t trust myself for anything after I was wrong about literally everything I’m gonna explain in this post. I don’t hear or see things, I kind of “know” or “feel” them, and now you’ll see why this might not matter at all, might be a load of bull, so i wanted a second opinion, because I can’t trust my own.
My cat got sick two weeks ago, the first four days were lost to vets that were unhelpful and demanding more money for more tests that I didn’t have and prolonging the test results that I did pay for, so there wasn’t much time back at the start to buy/do anything to help her.
We got her to the vet again on the 11th, I was sure she was gonna die either 11, or possibly 24th of December. And if she survived those she was surely gonna live nearly a year or more? It’s what it was in my mind. 8-9, either that many months more or that she’ll live until that age, I don’t know.
I also asked angel Seheiah for help to heal her, as I liked his abilities and 28 was in my mind for months before she got sick. I felt his presence twice, (I think? I felt a hand on my shoulder the first time I was freaking out about her dying when I asked for the first time) he was someone more energetically soft and reassuring, not really double faced or anything malicious. I felt the strong need that if that deal was going to go through I needed to consent to around one more year of life for her,and not more, to not expect more, probably because steroids don’t buy that much time, later I got to the conclusion. Then she got some pills, we bought her holistic serums for kidneys and liver (because anemia and liver cancer - the vet said that was the problem, and we asked that it’s safe to use them all if a few hours difference)
On the 22th she got really weak, was going to pass away, I had no idea what was the reason. Unsure who, as it was stressful and I don’t remember when I “knew” the reason, before, or after I asked Archangel Michael, but one of the two helped I think, because in the midst of my useless confused self I knew she was just weak due to lack of food. She hadn’t been eating a lot, the vet didn’t say anything about how to deal with it and I was feeding her liquids from food as to take in some nutrients and a few bites per day as that’s all she accepted. She drank a lot of water. Her paws used to be pale, almost white, within those two weeks her paws got light pink, she wasn’t stumbling that much when walking. She even purred for a moment at the food. She was fine until the 25th, she was healing. Then at 2pm she went to the toilet, and at 6:30 she was dead. She kept pushing trying to defecate, due to the strain she couldn’t breathe, and would have shortness of breath, for hours she was doing this once in a while, until it got too much. She refused all water and food all of a sudden that day. She hadn’t eaten so much as to bother her so much that she can’t go to the toilet.
We asked the vet if it’s the lungs, that she had asthma the first time we went, he said “no, she doesn’t”, two vets looked at her now, and one three months ago (that never mentioned any of those health issues so I could heal her faster). My second cat only got aggressive once - when the cat was weak and nearly dying, now she got aggressive again only after the cat defecated. She “knew” she was weak/dying again. At the end there was some little bit of light red blood (?) that went out her nose/mouth after death. She was getting better. I felt a tug at her spleen (which partly had cancer, the space between liver and spleen they said), her kidneys and her brain at the start. At the end I can’t know if she choked, had pneumonia to begin with, (the breathing noises/shortness that I was told were “nothing”), had parasites in guts (which we asked about too, and the vet said “that’s not usually how parasites act”) or if her brain was the problem, but it was sudden, things were going well. Cats/people have died in my life before on the 24th and 25th of December, which I find really… Ritualistic.