Did some visualisation, guy became obsessed/lusty

Yah, of course just make it subtle

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What do u suggest?
I dont know what to doā€¦

Does he know much about you? Maybe, he knows a food you like and you could send that message towards him.

Maybe even something to make him feel guilt for his actions.

Hell if you have a FB and he does as well make sure itā€™s not private for a bit and say something like you are really sad after yesterday but donā€™t elaborate. Lol

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Press F to pay respects


Yeah we know each other quite well
So maybe I can find something that links us to each otherā€¦
Like we both like music band so maybe I could do something with that

Definitely, you seem like a good Khaos Magi: so Iā€™m pretty sure you got this.


Alright, but in all seriousness
Iā€™d give the guy some time to get over this, and then decide on what kind of action to take.
Iā€™d go with a Demon for solid results, canā€™t fuck up beyond this point.


I feel horrible, the way he acted towards meā€¦
I definitely want a sincere apology from himā€¦
I want him to feel really really guilty

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Yeah, if heā€™s typically not a hot head he should realize soon what he did was irrational, just give him sometime for now.

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Well thenā€¦ this back fired hard, we can agree on that.
All I can say is wait till then who knows?

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Been there, done thatā€¦

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Okay thank you

What would you suggest me to do?

As suggested do a divination regarding any rituals before hand.

Also calm down figure out if you really want this guy after this and consider this, if his behaviour was sparked by the magick, psychically attacking the guy because the magick worked just not the way you intended may cause a bigger rift. While the conscious mind is not always aware of what is going on the subconsious takes in everything and the reaction surfaces one way or another.

Considering making him suffer and trying to cast a love spell on him could result in some crossed wires energetically and a potential shitstorm. So figure out where you want to go from here first before considering what magick to cast.


Thanks, Iā€™ll think more carefully about this

How aboutā€¦ you tell him what you want.

Seriously, what the fuck is all this advice.

There is no need for any more magick, just tell him exactly what you want from him, stop trying to beat around the bush.

Also, yā€™all calling the guy a child for not taking this is just idiotic. Obviously, if he doesnā€™t want to waste his time he is going to block her and move on.

What you need to do is forget magick, and tell him what you want, straight up, no bullshit.

If he doesnā€™t want the same, then try amping the magick, and if that doesnā€™t work, then move on.

Tackle it head on.


He knows what I wanted. He knows believe me.
At first he even respected my decision and told me to be careful about other guysā€¦
But then things changed. Suddenly, he didnā€™t respect my decision anymore.

I donā€™t mean to be rude butā€¦
You do magic on him to manipulate his feelings yet you want him to feel guilty and apologise for his reaction??
I think you need to take some responsibility for your actions, leave the guy alone for a while and then maybe try to speak to him.


The poison is the cure. Try doing the same ritual to ā€œfixā€ his thoughts and emotions and shape them exactly the way you want. Just be more specific this time :smile:


If he is lusting then give him some pussy first and then show him love and affection of both a lover and mother. Men want that too though the urge to unload makes us look too sex obsessed.

It may not work if he is a freak or deviant.