Did a loa kill this girl?

What I’m about to say really isn’t anything brand new, but I doubt the lwa had anything to do with her death. Obviously, she did see something that spooked her out (hence her posts), but that could’ve just been her girlfriend’s protection. Now, in terms of whether or not a white person can work with the Lwa, that is up to those spirits itself. I know one white woman who works within Haitian Vodou and has stated Papa Legba has been with her from birth, so it’s not completely uncommon. But, she has stated multiple times that even though the lwa has been with her since birth, AND it is in her lineage, there are just some spirits within the religion that will just not work with her cause she’s white. Keep in mind, she’s also on track in becoming a mambo asogwe (priestess). But, again, I’m not initiated into Haitian Vodou or African Vodun, so I can’t really speak for their behalf. So who really knows at the end of the day.


I’m mixed too. Spanish, Indian, and black. :blush:
I have been wanting to give voodoo a try. Especially since it’s been calling me for a while and I think I met a loa once(I’m not kidding)!


And out of all the loa she could contact she went and summoned papa legba? She probably saw American horror story one too many times.


People make mistakes , who knows , she’s dead anyway .

Papa Legba is said to be the one you must contact to reach the other Loa, so it’s understandable, but I doubt she knew that.

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I’m inclined to agree with this.

Certainly not privy to the whole of the situation, none of us are. But, looking back over her posts, I don’t get the impression this woman had the least notion of who or what she was dealing with, or had done the level of research that respectfully entering a new path entails.

I hate to use the term “Fluffy”, but for fuck’s sake, there’s no bigger flag to signal that you haven’t actually studied Vodou than pulling out a poppet and pins.

I rather doubt that the Baron himself is responsible for this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s somehow a result of the curse she was trying to throw, and how public she was being about it. Again, we have no way to know- could be related, but completely mundane in how that came about.


People love to believe in karma but don’t believe in balance when it comes to curses mate,

People love to think that a spirit would never harm them but as above so below. I myself was choked almost to death by a earthbound spirit. And to chalk me up to not putting up protection is foolish and amatuer.

People love explaining logic blowback but don’t consider how, they don’t care how they just wait for people to get their “karma”


As far as my experience goes have spirits loyalty and lets face it most people that throw curses around aren’t even aware of what they are doing or what they really want. I am totally on you with the point of balance but I see the balances as a 50% 50% chance. Everybody can use magic and everybody can use the same tools so there goes the balance.

I also had to think about the whole backlash thing and wondered if it has anything to do with the shadow self. The shadow self is our repressed emotions etc. so a backlash maybe a manifestation of those repressed emotions. What is you take on this?

I also would be interested where you summoned the earthbound spirit and if it is a known one. An attack of an earthbound spirit is more likely because they are still in the “physical” but I don’t have any experience working with earthbound spirits, yet.


I just read your article it seems like that we are on the same page :slight_smile:

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I do agree with the shadow unknowingly attacking you, and the earthbound spirit I found in an apartment after I was made aware of him, he found it right to choke me in my sleep it took me about a half an hour to banish the spirit.
I even consulted my coven group about it, and I was given great advice and eventually I reset back to normal.


Thats interesting do you think that it could have been a murdered person that sought revenge? Like kinda becoming a shade that lost his identity but died with a lost for revenge? Also can I Pm you?

You can pm me. And no it wasn’t that

I do not think Baron Samedi had anything to do with this.

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I read that she didn’t summon Papa Legba or Baron Sameli but somehow envoked Kalfu. A lot of people who practice voodoo say Baron doesn’t really get down like that. I did a little digging and I read that Kalfu can be easily annoyed and will “through you to the dogs” for wasting his time. Idk how true all of this is but I thought it was interesting. I honestly can’t see Papa Legba or Baron Sameli doing this but who knows. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Autopsy said she had an anxiety attack and drowned


It maybe also worth mentioning that right after she did the hex she kept seeing “dogs” up til her death. Do y’all believe in hellhounds ? Is that really real?


Kalfu night do it (going off if this is legit) since kalfu is the more “nasty” version of Papa Legba based off my experiences with him.


Hellhounds are real but depending on whose involved it’ll be different, like with The Morrigan it’s ravens, etc.


Yes, she tried to summon a crossroads spirit but called upon the wrong one. Many people warned her that she needed to initiated and know first if those spirits were fine working with her or at least have more knowledge.
She likely did not come with any offering (big no), and did not follow the ritual steps. She tried to use her ex’s ancestral deities to harm him, probably that did not help her case neither :woman_shrugging: