Desire/Will not surrendered, effects in ritual?

If you have a massive, deep desire for a particular outcome, and you’re very much attached to it, do you find in ritual that it blocks your ability to get to the crossroads?

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No, but it can definitely block the desired results from manifesting afterwards. Ideally the ritual should express and fully vent all desire for what you want.



I’m aware of the impact on manifestation and what is supposed to happen in ritual. It’s the trance/rapture/crossroads part that’s bothering me.

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Hmm, so you keep getting recurring thoughts/worries about your desire that short-circuit the attempt to drop into trance or deepen the trance state? It’s not a sexy answer or a quick fix but I’d recommend more practice with meditation, specifically passively observing the mind as thoughts flow through it.


I rarely meditate, but recently Astarte has been encouraging me to meditate whilst sitting with her during her offerings, and I’ve been working with the gatekeepers nightly, which gives me opportunity to work on this trance issue. All I observe is mundane, meaningless thoughts that are frankly quite boring, and my mind loves to grab hold of a boring topic and burrow itself into it.

Last night, I did silence my mind for a hour, and I did manage to alter my consciousness to a point. But I was stuck, unable to progress to TGS.

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Yes, detachment or some kind of relief from/exhaustion of desire is generally recommended for a smoother path. However, a very strong desire can pull you to it regardless of most contrary consciousness but the path can get tiring or unpleasant even. I know of no greater power in existence the stillness and surrender in the moment. The very “best” ( :slight_smile: “goo” and “bad” are illusions :slight_smile: ) I have experienced has come in the flow, with little to no resistance, a state of general calm etc.
Desires are just realities that are temporarily invisible because you are distracted by your current reality definition.


Thanks. I agree, and what you describe falls in line with the Abraham Hicks teachings, as well as my own life experiences. I’ve started working with a couple of angels to remove and ease worry and to help me surrender my desire. I’ve also petitioned Ant’harratu for help. I guess, I’ll just keep working with the gatekeepers nightly until I achieve a breakthrough and get to the crossroads.

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No, more powerful the desire. More you REALLY want it more likely you will get it. Just make sure that in the ritual you completely exhaust it. After the ritual it shouldn’t be there in you.

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