
It’s more thoughts process that trigger chemicals. Unless one have brain damage that mess up function of brain. Than there are those that depress due to dependency drug messing up function of the brain. The main culprit is usually thought process as that can change chemicals and biology of the brain to affect body influencing energy. Thats why if you learn to manage emotions you can get rid of depression.

You can’t get depress if your smiling with your body open up ,looking up hands raise. Depression have energy and body posture being down. so if you do reverse posture the emotion goes away. The main solution is to learn how to manage your thoughts to be positive instead of negative. NLP is a great field of study to learn such. I never suggest drugs as there are natural routes.

Drugs is the lazy route. Work with the source problem not the symptoms.

Depression is a subconscious illness , you can’t consciously move towards the direction of happiness ,

I know what you are getting at but you are confused. You are referring to the psychoanalytical process of Reciprocal Inhibition coined by Joseph Wolpe, which posits that one cannot feel two opposing emotions at the same time. The only issue is that one can manufacture a “genuine” smile while possessed by a deep sadness or emptiness in order to save face, simply because smiling isn’t an emotion it is an outcome (physical response to emotional stimuli) of happiness, but it is by no means exclusive to it. Sociopaths also manufacture smiles in order to preserve their social cover. At the time they could be feeling nothing but utter contempt yet they are still capable of presenting the illusion of contentment.


It’s usually the same for me almost everyday, I use drugs to feel better but I wouldn’t recomend that. You can still work magick even if you are depressed, but try to deal with your emotions and thoughts that make you feel depressed and when doing magick requires you to feel as if your result has already come about, just do your best with it even if you have a hard time knowing how that would feel. There is an app called subliminal work (on iPhone and maybe called something else on android) that you can use to reprogram your subconscious mind and it can help when dealing with all of this. You still have a chance to suceed


Health Food stores or on-line. I recommend the elixir as opposed to the tincture as the elixir is stronger, however tablets work too. Just take more than recommended.
Side effects: Somehow, when you get enough in you over time, it attracts members of the opposite sex. Been there. Done that. Also well know as an aphrodisiac - believe me. I was struggling to keep my erections under control and that was in the street!
Also elevates the mood.


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it’s not really an illness. it’s mental process. and yes you can change it through conscious effort. you do that when you learn to read or ride a bike or swim. YOu practice until your electrons are wired. that’s why hypnosis is effective. IT goes straight to changing behavior by way of mind processes. All emotions can be replicated and created by belief systems. It’s how our mind works. Anyone can be happy since happiness is an emotion.

Those that have so called mental issues or labels of illness usually because they are block from accessing all the range of emotions. Or haven’t learnt the ability. IF you only know sadness in your life that’s all you gonna output. Thats’ why I highly recommend people learning anything and everything of interest. It’s to open your horizon. If you live in a cave you don’t know what’s out there. So the key to expanding awareness is exploring new life activities to gain new experiences. You can and will get out of depression if you do that. why? because you have more reference than just moping around feeling bad.

Hypnosis is bypassing the conscious mind and programming the subconscious

yes. and so is through conscious practice of thought habits… of course that’s the slow way with conscious effort. why else you think all the law of attraction or abraham hicks materials focus so much on positive thinking? And keep drilling it into you? that’s through conscious effort. they would of better help people faster if they incorporate trance work to speed up the programming.

That’s why many can’t get the loa or abraham hicks stuff to work. they dont’ have the will to sustain positive thinking consciously that them teachers say. They always emphasize you gotta to it everyday for a few months or a yr etc… Cuz it takes about 3 weeks to get it habitual. Many People don’t have that will. so they not successful with it.

Abraham Hicks only explains the baby steps of loa she’s really only grasping part of it

All subjects is parts of everything. No one system is complete. Thats why you learn all you can and fit them to you. People understanding different presentations of knowledge base on their life experience.

magick isn’t for everyone. maybe meditation works better for them. it’s dependent on individual. There’s lots of overlap info.

but your missing the message about loa. i was talking about the mind process . dont’ get lost in the system name.

IF you look at process of abraham hicks stuff. it’s the same thing we do. she do magick. invoke/evoke an entity and pass on the message she got. It’s just that she don’t use labels of magick or demons/ angels. etc… Well, she says group of angels and label them abraham hicks like a corporation. But she present it in a way that isn’t magick or satanic like ritual. Yet people don’t see that part. lol It’s just good business marketing. rename something to less bad reputation wording and people accept it. Happening all the time.

See things for what it is. don’t get hypnotize in the BS fluff content. IF you really strip down all the nonsense. it’s not much. There is so many ways you can make the same message reworded and people think it’s new materials. If you check the orginal history. the ideas are from ‘the secret’ and that is from a famous old book. So all these are not new. it’s just presented differently and claim as own without giving credit to the original source. All about money. If it flourish and you don’t give credit to origin then you become famous cuz people will see you as the person who revolutionalize a new field. good for business no? too many people jump the bandwagon without researching the source. thats why it’s your job to question all even if the material is famous or teacher famous. People can add a little bit of extra info and claim it’s new.

Example would be tai chi. there’s only like 5 core styles. All the moves are same. just different order. make a new order of movements and claim it’s your style after practicing for yrs. Do a little change like we do low stance. And people will think it’s new. Yet all the principles are the same. That’s why i emphasize core principle of energy in tai chi and not the style. Yet many are hypnotize that it’s different cuz name of style different. EAch yr there is new style created. Yet all the principles the same.

And since we on topic of depression. Do tai chi. It tremendously helps with depression. It’s now scientifically proven.

Thanks :slight_smile: I’ll look into it :black_heart:

No kidding :open_mouth: thanks mate I’ll definitely try that out!

Thanks, it’s true what you’re saying I totally agree. Thanks for taking the time to reply :black_heart:

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Thanks mate, I understand what you’re saying I know you mean well. I’ll definitely try tai-chi!

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To anybody who I may have missed (replying too) just wanna day to everyone that I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to this, the fact that you’re taking time out of your days to offer help is more than helpful you have no idea how much it means to me and it’s helpful in its own right! Take care! :black_heart:

It’s okay. :slight_smile:

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