Demons to uncover and return money stolen by business partner?

So, I ‘m sure my business partner has been syphoning money from me.
Evasive about accounts etc.
I need to uncover and have returned the money taken from me.

Any ideas?




Definitely Andromalius. He excels at this and in super fast time


Thanks guys, really appreciate it it!!

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Do you know about Andromalius and his preferences or would you like some help?

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I only know a little. Have never worked with him before.
Any pointers, greatly received

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Do a forum search. There are plenty of other threads about similar situations that have information on Andromalius.

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Doing so now actually, thanks.
Def who I need!


I find red candles work well with him and dragons blood incense. I always feel his arrival by waves of nausea . He is wonderful and very efficient. good luck

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Thanks so much.
I just read he also likes hunger (fasting). Not come across that before.
But that’s not hard, when the goal is important

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Yes, I always fast as an offering. I personally offer him Strawberries and Eggs too as he shows a liking for them (raw and in shell)

He has really helped me a few times and I once heard his snake hiss. A few other members have too or even been bitten by it. He is amazing.

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