Demons that have aided you with fertility? (Women)

I’ve been doing magick for a while and I’ve also been trying to conceive for about a year now with my fiancé, but it seems like the intention candles, bath magick, and every other witchy way of getting a baby hasn’t worked or if it has, the fetus hasn’t survived past 5/6 weeks. The doctor says I’m healthy so it may just be tough luck, but I’m looking to change my luck.

Anyone had luck with fertility using a certain type of magick or by working with a Goetic demon? I’ve done so much research my head is spinning but I can’t figure out exactly who I might contact if any of them would help. Currently working with one but I feel it may be rude to just be like “Hey, can you refer me to whichever of your buddies specializes in the baby making department?”

Also I’m sorry if this topic is TMI, but it’s my major magickal project for the foreseeable future.


I’ve heard Zepar could be helpful, but if you’re ever interested in anything other than goetia demons, there’s a Celtic god named, cernunnos, who could be very helpful. One of the main things he is god at is fertility, and he seems really kind to me.

(I apologize if it seems like a half-assed response, but I only know so much and still try to help, lol… :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:)


I may try working with Zepar, but I wasn’t too sure because most info on him just states that he can turn women barren and I’m going for the exact opposite lol


If they can cause it, they can cure it :wink:


As was suggested, Zepar, but I bet Marbas can help too.


Never have had first hand experience as of now with this particular thing.

But I could give my 2 cents -
Call Ganesha for removing the obstacles in your baby making process, he is called Vighnaharta for the same reason.
Try Moon, Hagiel, Hagith etc. Evoke them and ask if they can help with your situation.
Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Bael aka (Enlil, Iskur, Baal) & Lilith in her aspects as (Laylah & Zah’ril Lilith) only work with these particular names for fertility! Hathor, Ishtar, Ki, Demeter, Freya & Yemaya.

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Lucifer told me he or other being allied with Venus can help. He said most of the time girls are created. It’s more effective if both prospective parents participate.

For example my husband is genetically disposed to have boys and we wanted a girl. But he’s not into magick it would have been more effective if we both took on godforms of a god pair male and female. That way our intent would have been more focused but there were factors like genetics and astrology so we are having a boy.

I like this advice. Consider the possibility that you are healthy and fertile and there may be obstacles or other factors in your way you can’t see. Lucifer told me that there are so many possible unforseen factors in creating a child. Angry ancestors, generational curses, astrological influences etc.

Maybe try divination to get a clearer picture or find a being that removes obstacles. If you want to go with goetic spirits put Marbas on the health side and another on removing obstacles.


I think summoning a spirit and asking them to advise you is legit and won’t offend them - Belial, Ba’el and Azazel have all on occasion referred me to another spirit, and the classical gods (I mainly work with the Norse & Egyptian gods) are all very good at this as well, we have a member on here who was kinf od “referred to” contact Lucifer by Odin - afaik it’s only the parasitic entity of the Old testament which was given to jealousy.

I can teach you to do core shamanic journeying, which is primarily a paradigm useful for healing the self and others, though it can be expanded to boost any other method once mastered - it will permit you to interact with spirits and also to travel within your own body, and interact with the guardian energies of your various internal systems.

I’ll send you the first part of this, which is the basic initiatory level to acquire a spirit mentor, see what you think and if you want to pick it up now or at any point, drop me a line back. :+1:

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FREYJA! You should ask Freyja she’s absolutely wonderful and the goddess of fertility. She’s not a demon but I personally love her. She’s helped me so much and she has a wonderful heart. I’m sure she would feel for you and would be moved to help you conceive.


In the book low magick there is something for this

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