Demons of Magick Amazing Experience with Angel Summoning

So I’m doing the 2nd ritual from the book Demons of Magick (good book btw recommend to get) and had this weird/amazing experience. So I’m just going through a practice run tonight of the begging of ritual so I’m prepared when I actually do the ritual. (hope I’m not the only one who does that.). When I do the practice run I have my notes out and if I forget something I just look at the notes to remind myself. I was doing the begin which goes like this.

Before me Uriel (imagine solid, growth, greenery)
At my back Raphael (imagine yellow flowers blowing in the wind with a blue sky)
On my right Micheal ( imagine Red hot fire with spark while feeling a dry heat)
On my left Gabriel (imagine water reflecting the moon while also reflecting orange sparks)

Then imagined a been of white light coming from infinity going through Uriel through me and through Raphael and did the same with Micheal and Gabriel. Once I did that I felt this huge sensation where I was imagining the light going through and this feeling I can’t really describe and it freaked me out a bit. I stopped and was confused because again I was just doing a practice run and wasn’t expecting to feel anything at all. I’ve never felt anything like that before and still kind of feel it. What do you guys think about it?


Good sign. I’ts prove that this works and they come when you call them. I had similar experience with middle pillar ritual, I wasn’t expect any experience for this was “only test run practice”- and was surprised.

That is the Circle of Power from Damon Brand’s book Archangels of Magick. That is the book to read if you want a full explanation of it. I’ve been doing it daily for the last week.

As explained in both books, the angels are easy to call. You can’t really “practice” a ritual like that, since it is your consciousness that makes the call.


Is this a modified version of the LBRP?

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No, it is not a modified version of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. It shares similar traits as the Golden Dawn ritual, but uses a different, and older, elemental correspondence for the angels than the LBRP, and does not include godnames, pentagrams or a circle casting. It can banish negative energies but that is not its specific purpose, unlike the LBRP.


Would you say the Circle of Power is also a banishing ritual by itself? I haven’t seen enough information on this in DoM.

And also, in Archangels of Magick it doesn’t explain the closing ritual at the end of that chapter detailing the process.

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Edit: Just seen your next post. It seems like it’s a form of banishing.

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Yes, it is a form of banishing and protection.

I did it in the mornings and worked with Belial’s gateway symbols in the evening.