Demons for sudden wealth

So specifically I was wondering if I can find a demon that you guys know of that can help me get a lot more hours at my job (thus building more money) because my schedule is done by a computer and it’s very difficult to maintain a decent schedule sometimes my hours go up sometimes they go down to much…so I was wondering, this would be some sort of manipulation of me asking a demon basically (hey can you give me more hours at my job!) I feel I’d be giving back enough automatically cause I’m working these hours and not sitting on my ass expecting an entity for example to throw me $3,000 over night (would be nice though lol) because I’m trying to afford a tattoo and I need x amount of hours to make the pay off faster! Any demons that you know of that can help with this I’d greatly appreciate it :relaxed:

And I feel I could ask a demon for the money directly but I think they’d be more pleased if I worked for it which is why I would like a demon to throw me a shit ton of hours, plus I’ll feel more accomplished by that

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You hear lots of good stories about Bime aka Bune. Hard to go wrong there.

With money magick, people often lock themselves into a limiting mindset. They say, the money must come this way, I think usually because they cannot imagine that there could possibly be other ways to get more money into your life. If you want more hours, you can try asking for that, maybe both to the demon and to your boss.

Part of this limiting mindset is a hyper-focus on the short-term. It’s not even really the short-term, it’s literally today. That’s all they ever think about. Many cannot imagine that their money situation could be anything other than what it is. Maybe they can imagine it getting worse.

If you want things to be different, you have to do something. Doing magick is a reasonable start.


Paimon, bune, Belial, vine. Orobas.


pendralion is a spirits to do so

I would ask my boss but since I’m a bagger apperently I’m on his last of things to worry about so I get like 4 hours a week lol

Yes I keep seeing bune’s name everywhere, and my intuition keeps saying “once u have that open bloody sigil keep it on you everywhere!” Lol it’s almost as if she’s telling me to do that


Bime aka Bune

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There are several demons whose specialty is wealth matters as others have pointed out but my personal preference is Lucifuge Rofocale


Mammon and Lucifuge Rofocale

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