Demonic Invocation

This invication was taken from the Demonic Bible(grimoire). I’d love to hear feedback about how/if it helps with materializing spirits.


General Invocation for Calling Any of the Spirits

I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself,
Into this body, this temple which I have prepared and set apart to the Dark Lord.
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.
For I am the Unholy of Unholies.
I am the Abomination of Abominations.
I am the Devil born flesh upon the earth.
I am the Devil Incarnate upon the earth.
I have crossed the Gates of Hell and I have become the Devil Incarnate.
I am Satan; I am Lucifer; I am Belial; and I am Leviathan.
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.
N. I invoke thee.
N. I summon thee.
N. I conjure thee.
Come forth, N. and manifest thyself, Within this body, this temple which I have prepared.
Come forth N. and manifest thyself.
Come forth N. and manifest thyself.
(drink from chalice, then say:)
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.


Did you conduct this invocation at all yourself, and if so how’d it help you accomplish your task?

That book is full of shit.

no i have read how people are having hard time materializing spirits, and i recalled this invocation. im cool with where im at.

Tat has been around,for like 100 years suposte to link whit darkness.and get ya close to them.but i see on other allrgth pray.

[quote=“Titan, post:1, topic:3188”]General Invocation for Calling Any of the Spirits

I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself,
Into this body, this temple which I have prepared and set apart to the Dark Lord.
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.
For I am the Unholy of Unholies.
I am the Abomination of Abominations.
I am the Devil born flesh upon the earth.
I am the Devil Incarnate upon the earth. …

I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.
I call all the Forces of Darkness into myself.[/quote]

That’s a big commitment right there.

I do some weird stuff invoking and allowing access to parts of myself that might seem odd (Azi Dahaka biting and en-venoming my chakras for example) but I do that based on 1. years of experience and 2. existing solid pacts with entities I trust who have proved themselves, saying “this is okay” for me to walk into.

This seems likely to make a person open him/herself up to things via a vague blag about the operator being the devil, which is a loaded term in itself and also that person might want to verify they’re keeping their ethics, values etc intact (without which, you cannot “become a living god,” no matter how obscure or left-field those choices may be).

Suppose you’re challenged by some entity asking if you’re willing to boil your pet cat alive to prove “you haz tru evilzz”? It’s all about the boundaries, and I’m not making this up.

Open-ended/vague promises/invocations/oaths = not good.

And it’s probably not going to help you with materialising spirits, because “Come forth, N. and manifest thyself, Within this body, this temple which I have prepared” is an INvocation and not an EVOCATION into tangible, or at least visible/audible external form.

Hope that helps because being clear about expectations is possibly THE single most important thing when dealing with entities.

All ya gain on tat,a 6 sense,knw a few things,mors magical info.and a moon full pact,ritual spell to keep growing its power,but its missing some parts,like burning paper,etc,i can say its good,for some satanistas,who are dedicated,only.