I have a disability and have been working with a government caseworker who said I could get a masters degree funded by the government, which would be a massive help to me. This was 6 + months in the making with blessings from Hermes and Tyche opening the doors.
Recently the caseworker backpedalled and said I’d have to jump through several more extremely time consuming hoops, and I still might not get it covered. I need her approval as well as her boss’, and the longer this takes, the less likely that I’m able to start school in time. (I can’t get any kind of employment or they won’t cover the degree.)
I’m up against a ticking clock and a crushing government bureaucracy. Who do you recommend working with? No angels please!
He isn’t a demon per se, but Ganesha in several forms has been known to help one avert authority and navigate bureaucracy. The forms that would be most helpful to you are Ganapati Ragavajra and Maharakti Ganapati. For his full sadhana follow this link. Ganapati Ragavajra | Tsem Rinpoche
As for demons, Paimon, Belial, and Agares are my go-to demons for things like this. The Tibetan goddess Kurukulla might also be able to help you.
Be sure to keep us updated on what you do and any results. Someone very dear to me has been fighting for 4 years trying to get her disability following a brain tumor. She’s been denied twice, and despite having the complete medical history from before diagnosis to treatment to everything she’s going through now to heal (like retraining her body to produce hormones) in front of them, both judges treated her like she was lying and sent her packing.
Just writing that…makes me thankful I have had a life that has allowed me to gain so much discipline. Because the injustice of it all fills me with rage like nothing else.