Demon(s) for punishment


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Iā€™m looking for advice

Understood but the rule for an introduction still applies to anyone who joins this forum.

So what do I do?

Well, I was going to say just click on the image I posted but I just did and it didnā€™t work soā€¦

Just click on the box and it will take you to the appropriate thread and then just reply like you did here.

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The demons named in this thread should be able to help you with your request for revenge. Since you have never called upon demons before, all you need is the appropriate sigil for the demon you choose, and then this should help you get started:

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Thank you Iā€™ll never forget this I hope it works


Youā€™re welcome, and good luck!

the person who robbed me is dead


Andromalius finally punished him


Congratulations on your result!

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How long the results ?

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Thatā€™s kinda dark, ainā€™t one to judge tho

Wouldnā€™t you get back what was taken from you suffice? Even with interest?

Anyway, whatever path you choose, your will be done

All the best :metal:

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