Delving Deeper Into Energy Work & Magick

Hi everyone! This is my first day visiting this site and it’s been an huge eye-opener for me, in a good way. It’s a pleasure to see so many practitioners actively communicating with one another.

I’m new to all this and was only just introduced to energy work about 3 years ago. First via Chinese internal martial arts and then through an energy healing reiki treatment.

My primary goal was to use energy work as a way to improve my health and overcome work fatigue. However, my goal since then has shifted from merely health-oriented, to a greater mind-body-spirit connection with myself, the rest of the world, nature, and beyond.

Taoist neigong has been helping a bit, but progress has been extremely slow due to my lack of energy sensitivity & body awareness. I’m also getting more into meditation, but am still unable to reach the right state of mind necessary to gain much benefit from it.

Desperate to get past this roadblock, I’ve been searching for methods that lead to real, tangible results. As I discovered countless personal accounts of people’s spiritual experiences, I became more and more interested in the deeper practices dealing with energy cultivation, psychic abilities, and magick.

And so, I eventually ended up here. I highly appreciate the knowledge, advice, and suggestions on this forum. Soon, I’ll be taking The Mastery Series courses here on BALG. Then later, hopefully connect with spirit guides, ascended masters, and other entities for lifelong guidance and self-empowerment.


Hello @Dainocturne and welcome to BALG. Have you found something specific about magick you’re interested at yet?


Well, I’m not that familiar with magick yet. I mean, I can’t even feel energy, let alone channel it. So I’m thinking I’ll need to awaken my third eye and kundalini before any of that.

Coming from the Taoist tradition due to my martial arts background, I guess I’d identify more with magick related to the elements, nature, spirits, and divination.


Welcome to the forum.


Welcome Dainocturne! :wave: :wave: :wave:
Come on in and make yourself at home.

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Welcome to the forum :blush:

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Welcome to the forum and good luck on your path into magick.

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Welcome! Best of luck to you!

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