Deity/Entity to possess my car

This is a long shot question so I’m going to take the shot and see if it is a hit or miss.
I’ll be starting a new job soon (hopefully next week) and this job requires me to have a car. If any of you have a car you know it can be a pain in the neck trying to keep it from falling apart. So what Magickal solution and/or Deity/Entity is there to possess my car and keep it running?

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I use jupitarian wards on my work truck. Has saved my ass twice now from wreaks that would have fucked me up, both of which i still cant logically figure out how the fuck were avoided. :laughing:

Reagrding the “health” of the vehicle you could try marbas. He may be able to bring issues to your awareness before they become a major problem.


That sounds great to avoid accidents I’ll definitely use them. Can I Google them or would you mind sharing yours? Understanding that I’ll have to keep up with maintenance with my car.

Thanks again. I’ll look into that as well.

It is already the mercury retrograde when car crashes occur a lot.In addition to any mercurial entity, you can use Millers seal of Mercury x will work wonders.


What i do is a modified version of this.

Instead of anchoring it to myself i anchor it to the truck. You could start with once a day if you feel it is nessesary then once a week then month. Once a soild field is set up around thw vehicle it will only need occasional maintenance.


Thanks again.

No problem

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