Deer skull

i have a deer skull a few racoons too aand alot of bones what uses do they have


Whatever you can imagine them being useful for.


Animal bones can be used to commune and work with animal spirits as familiar and guides. Like human bones, the bones of animals can be also be used to ground a spirit animal in this realm. Bones act as a spirit vessel for animal familiars to dwell in when you work with them, it is their home when you call upon them.

Animal bones and skulls can be placed on an altar or carried in a medicine bag to work with them outdoors or on the move. They can help you commune with the dead and send messages back and forth.

Ritual jewelry using bones is a direct way of bringing your animal familiars into rituals and spellwork. By wearing animal bones you can take on the attributes and powers of the animal they belong to such as fox or deer teeth for cunning. Bones can also confer an animal’s magical abilities. Many animals are shamanic in nature enabling the practitioner to whom they are familiar to adopt their ability to travel between worlds.

I like different types of bone for divination, bones can be used in ritual as a tailsman or vessel to house the spirit of the dead and enable them to ground better in this realm so a magical practitioner can better communicate and work with them.

Place your skull or bones in a place of reverence either on an altar or in a special container. Leave your bones regular offerings. Find out if the spirit has any preferences of alcohol, tobacco, flowers, foods, candies, or objects.

Check out this link for more details.


you gave me an idea could the female deer skull be used in love or female energy ( i give off both male and female energy)


Yes, definately. Your use of the skull is up to you and your intent. Because it was a female deer it could be used more powerfully to attract woman.

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great now i can my bff get herself a gf


I have used a elk nut sack for q mojo bag for a man that needed to step up and take care of his sons. I put it under his side of the bed.

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I have dedicated a skull to a demon with art work.

cool this sounds useful