All Religions Forbidding Magick?


I’m a beginner myself, lately when performing magick (angelic magic) I have these spikes thoughts in my head, that witchcraft is forbidden and so on, especially after invoking archangel Gabriel yesterday, or after any ritual work… I did practice all the Abrahamic religions (or at least had interest in them) before starting magick… And guess what ? after few searches it seems that death sentence is bestowed upon any magician in ALL Abrahamic religions…

““A man also or a woman that divineth by a ghost or a familiar spirit, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones; their blood shall be upon them”” [Leviticus 20:27]

‘’’'The Prophet (saws) commanded: “Kill every sorcerer, for this is the punishment ordained by Allah.”""

I never knew that it went this far… Now I’m seriously thinking it though


So what exactly are you saying? Are you afraid that this applies to you somehow and that you’ll be smote by divine authority for your “crimes” against “GOD”?

Please clarify what you meant with this post.


The Bible also tells you repeatedly that God is within you, i.e. YOU are God, God is you, God is human consciousness. Thou shall worship no other God before me, thou shall not worship false idols.

Your mindset impacts your reality. If you fear repercussions then it shall be so. Or, you can continue down this path and form your own opinions. No one can determine your fate besides you, and what you give your attention to.


In some ways, I see myself in a sort of ‘‘change’’ and reconsidering religion… Actually, prior to magick I had some ‘‘habits’’ considered as major sins aswell, so the initiale point was to get rid of them through magick, and now to find out that I’m actually doing something that’s punished by death is quite shocking

By those religions, that appeared to me as peaceful and loving

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Ok I’m still not sure what you’re saying.

Sorry, accidentally pressed enter while typing the message

Dude I consider magick and the LHP is my way of honoring the Divinty within myself. I don’t subscribe at all to the religious beliefs that you articulated above.

I’m not in the slightest worried about punishment.

This above all to thine own self be true…


I would really recommend reading Neville Goddard :slight_smile: all his books are available free online as they are out of copyright, and they might help you to come to terms with your religious past. I recommend “Feeling is the Secret”. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you, I’ll check it out

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Always remember, the religions you fear also practice magick, they just don’t call it that. Prayer, the laying on of hands, the Catholic mass, saying the rosary, transubstantiation, etc, are all acts of magick under a different name.

The only difference is in the eye of the believer.


Since Levitus was brought up, I am going to share a video from Esoterica that might come in handy for you. The scripture you mentioned came from a book of the Henrew Bible that was developed over a period of at least 200 years. This means that the attitude of certain things likely shifted over time, including the practice of magic (or, more accurately, the identity image of a jew in terms of behavior at the time). As you will see, there is evidence of magic being performed at the time, as there is no need to create a taboo of something if it is not being practiced by people (and therefore adopted into other religions that stem from it later). This may help you to question whether or not things that come in ritual are really information that you are receiving from a spirit or remnants of ideas from individuals who had an agenda in history.


Very interesting, thank you, I’ll view it thoroughly.

Meanwhile, I stumbled on this video

Back then the world was pretty superstitious so its not hard to imagine them blaming stuff like natural disasters on witches. Today we have a better understanding on magick and it helps that its mainstream to an extent.

Actually in some sects of Hinduism, someone who uses the Occult to harm others goes to a hell were they are tormented by insects. A deity from the Pantheon confirmed that it was bs.

And as many others have said, all religions practice magick in some way or the other.


The Bible (just as History Books) has been corrupted by the winners of war.

I think there is some truth to prayer and keeping yourself spiritually pure (doesn’t mean I do it)
because impurity can attract more negativity, but it could also be the belief creating self-fulfilling prophecy.
I have been witnessing how Muslims who pray 5 times per day do indeed experience a more peaceful life. But could I live their life? Way too boring for my taste.

Better make your own life experiences and decide for yourself what is true or not. Never trust one dogma, book or teaching bc nothing is perfect and many who teach or write books might have an agenda. Especially if they mean to scare you. A real teacher or god doesn’t aim to frighten or intimidate you.


It’s okay to not feel comfortable or not feel something is right for you and that something else is

Just don’t use fear as your motivation for whatever you explore


You sure about that one, mate? :laughing:

The very mildest criticism of Islam is that it creates such a tempting mechanism for total social control, that it then sets up perfect conditions for continued strife.


Sorry If I appear a bit mentally unbalanced here, but I actually am at the moment lol. I need to accomplish a huge amount of work for the upcoming days, that’s why I invocked Gabriel. I did it according the ritual described in ‘‘Archangels of Magick’’ book. I felt the benefits the whole day, like someone planted a seed in my solar plexus and it grew enveloping my whole torso, it was a trully spectacular experience, as I seriously worked the whole day under max concentration… But just after going to bed, those intrusive thoughts hit me like a truck, like someone is holding me back in this accomplishment, filled my mind with doubts and fear… Here I am today, depressed and disoriented…

I’m really grateful though for your advices and points of view, it is so helpful.

I had a Muslim Boyfriend. We spoke a lot about his religion and culture. He always said he admired me because few Western women understand what his culture is about. They have been brainwashed by teh media.

Needless to say, you can’t trust what you see and read about Muslim culture, it has been corrupted.
I spent a lot of time with Arabic women, none of them seemed oppressed or unhappy with their lives. I don’t want to go into a debate about Muslim Culture bc I know I will lose it quickly -
there will be too many disagreeing with me. It is hard to understand something you haven’t lived.
He loved his religion and I could always see this spark of peace in his eyes - almost angelic. He was one of the most respectful and loving men I knew. I was always aware there was no future for us though. I have spent time in Arabic countries and never felt unsafe or threatened, quite the opposite.

My opinion is “Live and let live”
I don’t need to be like them, but I also don’t need to oppose them.
You can look at Depression Statistics and Countries with the lowest Medication Rates and Muslim countries are always on top.
I feel very blessed to have been raised to be independent and think freely in Western Society, but would I suffer being born in a Muslim Country? With my personality, probably yes.
Is it really bad? I am not so sure as I haven’t lived in it, but I can see the advantages.
I learned about the advantage of large family systems (VERY GOOD FOR MENTAL HEALTH), and the belief in SOMETHING (no matter if God or a higher power). But most people in the West believe in nothing. They seem so empty.
Western Society has become too sexualised, too vulgar, materialistic and it lacks love.
I guess that is the price for all that individualism and freedom. Most people seem to turn into secret degenerates when offered too much freedom. Today, so many men are addicted to porn, prostitutes (or Hookup Culture) and treat normal women like sh (at least it’s what I see in Europe). So many women now turn into materialistic idiots who don’t want children, but prefer taking Selfies and flashing their boobs all day long. I am guilty of it too lol, but at least I am aware of how pathetic it all is.

We are comparing two extremes and the ideal lies possibly somewhere in the middle. Religion is not really the significant part, rather than the mindset and approach to life. And I think you need to believe in something, even if it means, you are the God of your Universe. You still have some higher power by your side.
But it is just my thought, my experience and my reality, not necessarily the truth.


I think the history of brutal Muslim jihads & genocides dating back to the lifetime of Mohammed himself, and the current sectarian strife in most Muslim countries, plus the actions of radical preachers in the secular nations they originally fled to claiming they wanted “freedom” speaks a more substantial, verifiable, relevant, and profound truth than one nice guy you dated, yes, let’s just leave it at that.

But I will say that I know more about this than just “the media,” and have actually read the Qu’ran, something many Muslims haven’t even accomplished completely, and I also live and work in London, and have known several Muslim people as fellow students, and colleagues, etc. I don’t live in some backwater where all that reaches me are rumours.

I do agree with that. :ok_hand:


Everyone dies whether they practice magic or not and no matter their religion too. You got sentenced the moment you were born. Magic ain’t got shit to do with that.