Death of the JCI prisons

so, why not do rituals against the corrupt in those religions? Not everyone is the same in JCI.

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No not everyone is the same true

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It is possible that it will end one day, replaced by something that will appeal to others while being as easily corruptible over time. As I like to put it, the grass may appear greener on the other side but it could be because the same shit is being used for the fertilizer. That being said, I donā€™t see that being the case any time soon. While conversion rates may be dropping in the US, it does not mean it is the case in other parts of the world.


Hinduism is the third-largest religion in the world, tailing just behind Islam, with 1.2 billion followers. Itā€™s also older than JCI by at least several centuries.

If thatā€™s not going away any time soon, what makes you think JCI is?


They may not do it publicly but a love spell to force someone to like you, a curse to kill someone. . . all examples of LHP practitioners imposing thier will on others.

Also donā€™t become a Satanist thatā€™s limiting same for being a Christian, just be you do what you want irregardless of the norm. Cultivate indivuality.

Magick has been genocided and (especially the darker magick) demonized thereā€™s probably some good reason but my point is keep it a secret and do what magick you want


I agree with this


This is why I chose Buddhism and the Middle Path.


The reason it always gets corrupted is because it is like a recipe with ingredients. You only can get half from reading the test, the other half you have. The book of the law tries to explain it of course, as do the crappy but enslaving religious sacraments

conceptional astral rape

I donā€™t condone getting your crazy ex back. I should have listened to beings who knew better like Crowley and Belial. He was no good for me, just an insane ranting sulk face that wanted to accept a bunch of delusions as how the world was, his messed up mind combined the worst ideas of the left and right political movements had mind control technology and no supernatural component.

So, no, donā€™t mind rape people because you will be the one enslaved.

JCI relgions are wrong, divorce should be a sacrament.


Itā€™s still a convo on rape, no matter how you want to try and underplay it. The fact lhp deems it okay to even do.


Yeah, I donā€™t moralise on others threads but rape is NOT ok


In some cases I think itā€™s good to do so, being LHP doesnā€™t mean you should condone people going ā€œso ima go rape this guyā€™s gf to get back at himā€ if we donā€™t want political stuff about killing politics to reach google why is it okay for lhpers to talk about rape and such to reach google? Christianity and Catholicism has a running rumor/wide claim of rape towards alter boys and such but lhpers seem to be okay with it as long as itā€™s done in baneful reasons and as long as theyā€™re the ones doing it or those under the LHP banner or if itā€™s astral or etheric and what not it must be okay from an outside perspective. So while the faiths arenā€™t toxic there are toxic people in all of them LHP included that try so hard to be different but allow the same issues to happen under some self righteous ideology of individuality and ascension. Over time this forum has become a big example of it in that aspect.


Yes itā€™s a bit odd IMHO. No one here can talk about pedophilia, naturally. We donā€™t want them to find us from Google either, but for some reason itā€™s okay to talk openly about rape?? Like that is going to attract the right peopleā€¦ and personally there are no people I hate more than rapists and child molesters. I donā€™t mind murder on here, because there are plenty of good reasons for that, but none for rape, and naturally we donā€™t allow pedophiles on here. I think thatā€™s the perspective in just about any culture too.


I can only find one justification for rape,

If you rape the rapist that raped you

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