Death curses for enemies

Besides prayers in Daemonolatry, and Summoning Set-Typhon, what are the top five curses for instantaneous death to enemies/obstructors?


Who is the resident magus/adept of baneful magic and necromancy?

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Or does it make more sense to evoke death and war spirits, even assassin spirits for workings instead of a general curse?

Depends who you’re evoking really… I mean there’s a demon of slaughter if you wanna try that


Is that Andras from the Goetia, or some other spirit?

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Keltar is the one I’m speaking of

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Cool. Thanks brother.

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No problem

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According to EA, the ritual release of hatred into a poppet is pretty effective for baneful death workings. Nothing fancy needed, just pure rage and a link of some sort to the target.


@Nyxifer I can vouch for this. Use vampirism to weaken your prey, that’s another tip. The rune Thurisaz, as well as reverse Algiz and Hagalaz, can be used to call up the negative energies of reality or to call upon the thürses to trample, freeze, and burn your enemies.


Here’s something I came up with back in my early 20’s, admittedly inspired by an old
and a bit cliche japanese method
1.Create the talisman below, optimally this should be made in yew wood and written with red ink mixed with a bit of your blood, but any ink and plain cardboard should do. Write your enemies name in the name spot, you can also add additional information like religion or birthdate.
2. Enter into a trance, concentrating only on your hatred towards your foe. See his or her face flash beneath the kanji for death. You can also chant Enn or mantra invoking A demon or wrathful deity.
3. At the apex of your wrath you have two options. The first option is to find a tree and take a hammer and a rusty nail. Then you must in 4 blows drive the nail through the talisman and into the tree while seeing your enemies face on it. Say “(chosen demon) take my enemy” or something similar in your own words. Visualize your enemy dying in agony. Or alternatively you can use fire while visualizing your enemy burning simultaneously with the talisman


Has anyone tried this talisman?