Day and hour of Jupiter

Hey everybody; I’m getting things ready to perform the Primordial Abundance of Jupiter spell next week but need some clarification on the day of Jupiter. I understand that the day of Jupiter is Thursday but can’t signify which hour during the day is Jupiter. Please let me know, txs!


Yes, Jupiter - Thursday.


Find out what time sunrise is in your location, enter that info into one of the planetary hour calculator available online (like the one linked above) and it will give you the planetary hours for the day and night. Because they are based on sunrise, planetary hours are not necessarily 60 minutes long, so don’t feel the need to rush if your rite goes past the designated hour. All that matters is that you start at the appropriate planetary hour. Also, planetary hours go until sunrise the next day, so if it says 3 AM is an hour of Jupiter, it still counts as Thursday, even though it is technically Friday morning.


There are apps that can tell you what planetary hour it is


this is the one i use, you just enter long, lat into settings and it calculates all the hours for you.

Also for planetary works it helps if you do the meat (where the planetary forces are invoked/evoked) of the ritual during the hour, if you do any meditations,banishing,cleansing ect to prepare you’ll wanna do those first.

I have a pocket watch i use with notes on when the hours are when doing these works so i dont have to have my computer or phone on to get info for the app.


You can also use this Page to figure out planetary hours.
It’s a little bit cumbersome to use but it does work.

you have to know what the sunrise and sunset is at your exact location. There are plenty of apps and websites that can do that.

Thanks everybody; I’m all set now and installed the chronos one onto my computer.

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Hey guys; well, I did the ritual for the Primordial Abundance of Jupiter from Anthology of Sorcery 3 and I believe results came in the following week. Which was this last week from the 2nd of October to the 6th. I called upon them to manifest money into me that was owed by anyone and anything and one of a possible result was something that I didn’t think of as the possibility came to me during the week and kind of came out of left field. I’m not gonna go into complete detail but I will say that when I went to work last week. We were out of the blue put on 10 hrs and our number wasn’t that high and we can get it on 9 hrs. While I do hate stupidity at my work and there’s a lot of that there along with complete incompetence and ignorance. I do believe this is the work of the spirits as trying to make the company pay me back for all my hard work and then some since it did feel like that we were put on 10 hrs literally; out of nowhere. However; I do feel so much that this is indeed their work that I called upon them again on Thursday on the full moon to rain their abundance down on my business.