Dark side of the moon

What do you think exists there? Any astral travels explored that?


I feel it’s a place for those who don’t want to be seen from the Earth ever.


To my American friends, a bit “off topic” but if you are American citizen you have a right to see all photos which NASA has ever taken about the moon. There should be about 2 000 000 photos after NASA remapped the moon. And there are claims which say NASA changed the photos so that Mars looks red instead of more like colored.
NASA is not like FBI. There is a storage room somehere in the Nasa area which is hard to find but when you can get there it should be very cool place. But you have to know also the numbers of the photos which you want to see. I listened to a radio show about the subject and dang if I’d be an american, I would go there right away. Tho NASA has lots to hide since it has been made very hard to access that library of photos. According to rumors.


Huh i’ll keep this in mind when time frees up for more travel :thinking:

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On a, precisely, astral plane but also spiritual, it may be related to Lilith (besides other entities).


Other than a lot of rocks? If something has found a home there,it probably wants to be left alone, would be my guess


Also, a bit off the topic, but don’t you guys think there are too many “coincidences” related to the Moon?
Did you know that Moon doesn’t orbit the Earth, but both orbit around each other (fact) and still there are at least four different theories about Moon’s origin? Not to mention the Moon’s diameter, distance from the Eart and Sun and his perfect orbit so there are Lunar and Solar eclipses or a regular basis.


I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about my experiments with the moon before, back when I was going through planetary initiation. It really left me wondering what the heck this thing in the sky was and what it had to do with this freaky “alien” energy-dimension that I could use to control people’s minds, among other things. I keep slinging my mind-camera up there to look at it, but the planets seem to resist objective observation – you can scry/travel inside them all you want, but looking at them from the outside is tricky.

All I can ever see is some kind of technology projecting… I don’t think it’s a hologram so much as an energy field. There’s this device that emits an energy field onto the earth that at its emergence point has an appearance of this flat white disk.

The energy field works on our nervous systems and produces an artificial mind, as well as an artificial dimension of this mind that can be explored astrally. As I understand it, most of our belief systems and thought patterns are molded here as thought-forms that emerge in our minds and are mistaken for our own thoughts. On the one hand, this greatly inhibits humanity as a collective. On the other hand, magicians can hijack and exploit the ever-loving crap out of it.


I agree with everything you wrote , except one thing , and that thing is that magician can explore that place fully, truth is they cannot.

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I know what i am about to say , you did not ask for it, but i knew some interesting connection and facts that are connected to Moon and money , i wont go in to much details so in short i will say , that money itself is connected to the Cult Of Moon. I mean all money was made of elements that symbolized divinity and the particular deities that the Cult was worshiping. The gold coinage was in honor of the Sun, the silver coinage,in the honor of the Moon. But the coinage and currencies got the name “money” from the moon as there was always much more silver coinage than gold. Silver was connected with the moon and therefore with the Goddesses of the moon, the most famous of which was and is ISIS. So her name became the symbol of money. We find this today in the cleverly camouflaged motif - $- which is nothing more than the sigil for the name of I-S- I-S, but fused together in an ingenious manner. The dollar sign was originally an innocuous U.S. fused together.


Interesting. That explains one of the benefits of working with Naamah/Lilith.