Dark goddess ritual

try this ritual and tell me what you guys get and what happens.

-one black candle
-two white candles

tonight, on this moonlight night, I declare this a wicked night, Dark goddess of the moon come to me, waves of the seven seas flood me darkness, dark goddess eclipse the infernal light, send me into forever darkness, wolves of blasphemy, howl and hunt, owls and bats that fly, shadows of this moonlight night dance tonight.
tonight I call upon you dark goddess of the moon.




It came to me in a dream like trance

Hekate = my black heart. She muh wife in the land of the Dead.

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oh nice

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Maybe. Ever deal with an avatar of her? A physical incarnation can be quite a bit at times, and, quite frankly, the once I last had interactions with the one I know… Ugh. I decided to stay with my first love Tiamat, the rest of that year. I said ‘quite a bit’ I meant ‘bitch’


Have you tried it out?

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not yet this ritual came to me today so I’m going to do it tonight

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