Custom Thoth deck and Limited Edition Card Porn

I was recently contacted by a person on behalf of his benefactor to perform a private reading for said benefactor, this man was quite insistent that I make the trip halfway across the state to read for him and assured me that I’d be well compensated.

So I took a day from work and made the several hour drive to meet this man. He was staying in a very prestigious hotel and I was given the room number and time to meet him. I had a difficult time keeping my inner rube in check as I walked the halls of a hotel where a weekend likely would cost a months salary.

I arrived at the room and knocked waiting and wondering just what I was getting into. I was a bit nervous and my mind was racing at the possibilities of what I’d find on the other side and could I live up to the expectations of someone who insisted I come to read for them. I was about to turn and leave when the door lock popped and a small middle aged man opened the door and smiled politely at me. “Thank you for coming, he is eager to meet you” he said as he invitingly gestured for me to come inside. The hotel room could easily have held some of the crappy houses I’ve lived in and I was taken aback. “I’m a long way from the Holiday Inn” I thought as made my way inside.

The man motioned to a closed door and told me go in. I walked in and had to steady myself. A rather unassuming man who was old enough to be my grandfather sat at a small card table. The room was dimly lit and the only thing I could smell was the strong aroma of the huge cigar that sat between his bony fingers. I heard the door shut behind me and I was at a loss for a minute, finally I made the assumption that the single chair opposite of the mystery man was intended for me. I sat down and introduced myself and the old man simply nodded never saying a word. I sat there for a minute waiting for him to speak and nothing came. I pulled my deck from my pocket and began shuffling and setting the deck when I finally asked what would he like for me to read on. He gestured to an envelope with a slip of paper inside. On the paper was the questions I was to read on. I was instructed not to speak of the questions but all I will say is that many pertained to high dollar deals and the last few questions pertained to spiritual “agreements” and if the spirits were pleased with the progression of the man’s activities. An hour passed and I finished up the readings, at the conclusion of the readings the man placed his hand into his lap and slid a black velvet bag across the table and stood up and walked out of the room having never said a word during the entire reading.

I was hesitant to open it not knowing if I should expect money inside as their was a significant weight to the bag. I opened it and found a small black deck of cards I could not clearly see the writing or pictures on the box in the dim light. A note was included in the bag telling me the reading was much appreciated and this deck was part of my payment and I could expect the rest of my compensation in the mail.

I left the bedroom the reading was conducted in and found the hotel room empty. I made my way out keeping an eye out for either man to make sure out business was concluded but they were not found. I made my way home and gave the deck a closer examination. This deck is a private publication of only 11 decks and was a sign of gratitude for work. I was told never to disclose how I truly came about having this deck in my possession…and I have not disclosed it. This thread and story are my way of saying than you to the mystery man who all I know about it that he signed the note S.

Whoa! Awesome story man. Honestly the deck would have been payment enough for me. Good job.

Love the Unicursal Hexagram cards!

They feel sexier than they look :slight_smile:

I’d dare say this deck is “tuned” to me. I did some readings for friends and family this week using this deck and the answers were ridiculously clear and concise. I was trying to keep from using them but they are too nice not to use.

[quote="-TWF-, post:4, topic:2944"]They feel sexier than they look :slight_smile:

I’d dare say this deck is “tuned” to me. I did some readings for friends and family this week using this deck and the answers were ridiculously clear and concise. I was trying to keep from using them but they are too nice not to use.[/quote]

Yea, this is a gift of power, not an investment property. Let collector geeks keep things in the original wrapping and never actually enjoy them. This thing is not as common as mere money, so don’t treat it like it. Enjoy them for what they are, not what someone might be able to give you for them. :slight_smile:

Well damn… This is one nice deck you got there, and limited edition too? Man, you lucky.

[quote=“redcircle, post:5, topic:2944”][quote="-TWF-, post:4, topic:2944"]They feel sexier than they look :slight_smile:

I’d dare say this deck is “tuned” to me. I did some readings for friends and family this week using this deck and the answers were ridiculously clear and concise. I was trying to keep from using them but they are too nice not to use.[/quote]

Yea, this is a gift of power, not an investment property. Let collector geeks keep things in the original wrapping and never actually enjoy them. This thing is not as common as mere money, so don’t treat it like it. Enjoy them for what they are, not what someone might be able to give you for them. :)[/quote]

I know what you mean but I was more worried about wearing the cards out than I was about collector value. The limited edition is awesome but also sucks as I can’t have a spare deck or two.

I am literally salivating over these. B-e-a-u-tiful.

Impressive, man. Congrats!