Cursing when your target has an unusual sleep pattern

I was taught that a hex or curse will attach and work only when the target is asleep when the ritual is performed.
I have pretty much stuck by this with success.
I have one individual who is an up all night sleep all day fellow and so hexing him at the traditional 3am for for me is failing.
I would have to hex during the day to get him which is impractical and my spirits / Demons I use obviously prefer nighttime.
Any suggestions? or do you think hexing will work just as well if the target is awake?

A curse or a hex (there’s a difference) don’t adhere to any time of day, they should work regardless, although like you sort of have stated - 3am (the witching hour for this who weren’t aware) is a great time to cast spells as the veil between the worlds are thinner.

The curse or hex can be empowered though if you want to add some omph you can add paprika powder and blow the powder as you send the curse away to the target.

If you use spirits to kill, you can use incense or even water vapor, however if you really want to empower the evocation you can use animal blood, but it’s not a must you usually don’t need it, why I suggest it is because blood vapors really solidify the body of a spirit in this plane, making their manifestation stronger.

Sorry for all the extra stuff to answer your question, time of day shouldn’t matter depending on what spirits you use or what spell you cast, the only reason from my point of view to care about time of day is when you want to empower a working. In case you kill by using spirits my general rule of thumb is that you use less or more of them depending on what you need to get done; god class spirits 1-4, everyone else 2-6 and to be really sure ask them to bring their legions to the destroy a target.


Thank you. I was taught by someone quite old school in that the target must be asleep to get to them on the astral realm for it to work.
It is good to get that out there so others can say it is not the case or not always the case.
Excellent suggestions and thank you so much. I will definitely use the Paprika and other ideas.

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Awesome! Good luck to you, I’ve used it to great effect, but look up the general uses of it as well as try it out and see if it works for you. I’ll be more than happy to hear about the results, in case you havn’t killed with magick before the first times - it takes quite a while.

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I will let you know. Thanks so much. The plan will now be modified to 4 demons and your suggestions in full too.

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Good luck to you. One last thing if you are going to do baneful magick, I know I didn’t do well with this when I started out, but be sure you pick spirits that work well together and be sure they are directed to the same thing. In my case I ordered one spirit to make a person sucidal, while another I ordered to make the same person very ill, and the third I ordered to kill the person outright.

That was my first attempt needless to say it was unfruitful. But you probably knew this, in case you didn’t well now you do.


Dealing with Vampires is definetely a pain in the Ass =) Then it becomes even more annoying when you finally seek them out in the day only to learn they are also DayWalkers and just conveniently changed their sleep Pattern again.

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Yes, it is frustrating.
I am going over why some work has not been as strong as my usual standard in the past.
This is one of the factors, and a couple more to work on.
Thank you for your answer

I curse at mars and in the day time i cant curse at night

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I even cursed for several monthes…

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