Cursed apartment

My father had problems with a lady that bought an apartment from him. She was angry and deeply bitter with it with no reason except her being crazy. My father accepted to return it but can’t sell the apartment since and sold many other apartments even tho this one is better than some of those. She was unreasonably bitter and angry and said something like “may it never be sold” or something.
If she had cursed it what would be a good way to clean the curse?
Would a simple banishing be enough? Would cursing her weaken the spell? Any suggestions?


You could just cleanse it. My recommendation is that you attain some holy water, blessed by a priest, you can go into your local Catholic Church, and ask the receptionist if you would be able to get to the holy water font. There’s no reason why she should turn you away, especially if you’re polite about the whole manner. Be sure to bring a container to fill with the holy water.

Then, after you got that go into the apartment and call upon the Archangel Michael in your own words, and then sprinkle the holy water in all the corners and all the walls.

This should work.


Il tell my dad to do that, since he’s christian. I thought of asking king Vine for help.
No catholics in Serbia btw, only orthodox

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Orthodox, Eastern and Oriental, are both fine. They have the apostolic lineage, that’s all that matters.

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You could also make your own holy water.