Curse backfire?

I petitioned haures for a person to lose their job via the 1st ritual petition for results In demons of magick and a week later I’ve lost mine…this is very odd…I didn’t use emotional transmutation, I went straight in to rage as I’ve heard conflicting stories about using shifting from one emotional state to another in the same ritual.

I didn’t use archangels for protection as stated in the book but did perform the sword banashing before hand could that have had an impact?..I approached him with respect and felt an overall positive feel to the ritual as a whole but It does make me think of something went wrong.

Used divination and they has no magickal or spiritual protection at all…they are a non believer in the occult in general

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It could be unrelated
Also you should detach from the curse after you put on someone.
Some people are good are reversing a curse but you should had been quick to reverse it back to them and add a safety spell in case they reverse it to keep reversing it back to them. For example create a servitor who would guard the curse and keep reversing it to your target until your goal is achieved
If the target is tough you should lower their defences before the attack.
I have done plenty of curses without protection and they all worked. No problem. Oh however I always did baneful work for justice or did spells to teach a lesson.


Bad idea. Use the instructions in the book, don’t use your own. Otherwise you can expect things to go weird.
On emotional transmutation causing issues - That’s complete nonsense in my experience. I’ve practiced the magick in their books frequently, many times spending more time on the negative emotion and with great intensity, and nothing bad has ever happened from the magick. So don’t worry about that.

Again, follow the instructions fully if you don’t want things to go wrong or unpredictable. If you don’t follow the instructions, it’s an experiment and there’s no telling how it will affect the magick.


Also, if you only felt rage in the ritual, then that can be the source of this, as in the context of the ritual you’ve essentially sealed that rage into your future.


This. Always perform an uncrossing ritual after your spells


Does that differ from a banishing?

If so have you any rituals you could point me to?

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Well, from my understanding to be “crossed” is to be cursed by a spirit because you REALLY offended them or you did something in a sacred place, or you broke vows etc. In which case, it is not necessary at all to do it after each spell and is rather very rare.


It uncrosses you from the targets energy.

I either visualize sunlight or Flames destroying the links or take a shower and invoke Njord (I visualize the water as turning salty) and ask the energy of the water to remove any links or residue. Be sure to wash your entire body.


Ahh I do it to destroy any links to the target. Noticed it also stops me from lusting for results so much


Sounds like it’s more useful in curses, but might be quite detrimental in business/love etc.


Yeah I won’t do it after a love spell for sure. Though for break up spells I see it been good.


It is quite brilliant for curses and breakups as you say, as you move on from the situation, and that’s great also in the context of what the OP did magick for, although I just wanted to mention it’s not good for ALL spells.

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Odd thing is that I’ve successfully used certain demons to manipulate the individual and worked like a charm. Now it’s came to actually baneful work towards them I “felt” as though it was coming back on me but no comebacks with other magick on them.

For legal reasons I won’t go into why I’m doing it but they have done unspeakable things behind closed doors from what they have told me.

OP, did you read the entire book before doing a ritual? It specified to use the instructions as is, without any modifications.
From what I understand, you changed two key portions (skipping emotional transmutation, and skipping the angelic protection). I disagree with some above comments, it seems like too much of a coincidence to be unrelated.
Maybe you could perform the ritual following the exact instructions and offer a gift to Haures- taking care to follow the correct protocol.
Edit: If you felt it (the ritual) coming back to you, it is because some of you is conflicted about the matter. Spend some time meditating on this.


Yes I’m not saying it’s unrelated either, their magickal feeling after the ritual seems quite clear too.
But yes the issue is modifying the ritual. When doing so there is no telling how it will affect the magick and it very well could even become dangerous, especially without the emotional transmutation.

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Agreed. To clarify, I was referring to LadySerina. But no worries, we’re all trying to help each other out. A question for the OP is: why did you leave out the archangel protection? I’m not saying this in a patronizing way, I’m trying to uncover some of the reasons for mix and matching stuff in this ritual.

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It could be related and it could be not.
We don’t know the reasons why the OP lost their job
Maybe it was a decision taken by the company long time ago and it got effect now.
I usually always say in cases like this when one door closes a better one opens. OP might be re aligning with new energies :woman_shrugging:


I’ll be completely honest…I had the book a year ago and followed all the instructions and had notes, upon deciding to perform rituals again I found my notes out but completely forgot about the archangels prior to the working notes must of been separated…I did perform the sword banishing ritual before hand everytime though.

As for the emotional transmutation I have read from a few people how they focus on the end result and focus on the intented outcome towards the target and had great success…

To be honest I have done a ritual with bune as well for money magick so it could be related to that about my job.

Lesson learned not to do so much magick in different areas so quickly, hard to tell what’s working what.

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UPDATE! Just this second had a text message through saying the company has filed for bankruptcy