Crying during evocation - is this weakness?

While I will agree with you, there are moments when those raw emotions are not to come out. There are times I am annoyed by the children in my life, the constant asking of “Why?” and “How come?” can be bothersome.

If I turned around in a moment of annoyance and told a child to shut up in their moment of exploring their world - what do they learn? They learn their thoughts are not valid. That as a person they do not matter, that they should never ask questions. It’s the same with adults.

Change doesn’t happen on a throne, it happens in homes among family and friends. It happens when we treat others with respect. It happens when we treat the begger as the rich man. It happens when we give when we have nothng to give but a listening ear, our heart, and time.

That raw emotion at times has to be bridled in, in order to deal with the functions of life.

But sometimes, in the confines of privacy, that is the most appropriate time to let the raw emotion come out when it comes to the negative aspects of life.

While I feel I am going on a tangent, love is the most raw emotion there is. Because you have to strip down everything you are to remove the darkness in the places you have built walls around the spirit and heart of the human experience.

The reward for allowing yourself to feel the raw emotions is underestimated.

And most change is done in privacy. Rituals and spells should sometimes be kept private. In those rituals, let the tears flow. Let the rage, happiness, love - whatever you are feeling - let them flow freely.

And the heels of the past walk closely on present day matters. Humanity isn’t as stupid as people think it is.


Yeah, you right.

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@SagaMysterium - it’s not a matter of being right or wrong.

As we mature and gain different life experiences, we learn. It’s about learning from each other.

You’re a Goddess in your own right, just like I am. In my opinion, the more we learn from others the more powerful our own Magick becomes - as long as we adapt it as our own.

For example, I have always stated death happens on a nightly bases. I also have a saying: i am Heaven, i am Hell, i am the I AM. While others may not agree with what I say, others have adapted it to their own thinking. Making it their own.

Should I be upset about this? Absolutely not, because they are progressing. From the greatest, most powerful Witch to one who is just starting out - we learn from each other.

The reward is here and now - progression, understanding, and knowledge.

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Energy is absolutely okay to express. If we don’t express it, we may as well be a corpse. And we are certainly not dead. :sweat_smile:

What helps me is music. I have a thing for classical music - however, it’s best to use whatever you are comfortable with.

I follow a woman on Facebook who states all the time “Energy begats energy.” If you can, tap into the inner heart, the deep heart - you’ll be surprised what you find, Sweet One.




I’ve cried during an evocation before. It wasn’t so much from the ritual as much as the reason why I came to the spirit in the first place – I was emotionally on my knees and at the end of my rope. I felt a benevolent response from the spirit before letting them go, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I inspired sympathy from them.

All in all, I wouldn’t call crying during evocation a weakness at all, unless the spirit actually says so. I believe crying is a strength, since we humans have so many hangups when it comes to expressing our emotions properly. There’s almost no doubt in my mind that many if not all spirits feel the same.

This. Thank you so much for pointing that out. I’m so sick of cry-shaming. I believe that crying is not only a show of strength, but during an evocation it speaks of a genuine person opening up to the evoked entity. In my head, there’s no way that could be considered a weakness. On the contrary, I think that expressing what we feel so vehemently could be considered an offering in itself.

Emotion is power. Its what most of us uses in rituals to empower them. People who shame crying are people that can only feel good about themselves when stepping on someone, shows how weak tbey actually are to rely on it compared to finding strength in.

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I say yes and no. It depends on the context of the invocation.

It sounds like you had been overwhelmed by the energy you had used or encountered. Perhaps as others said you released the emotions cause by the working trough crying.

I agree. Crying has many reasons either because you are moved by that moment that you are sharing with that being or because you are releasing emotions because that moment you felt the most comfortable and open.

I do not see it as weakness but a way to be honest to that being. But of course don’t go to over board with it. But at the same moment emotions can lead to grater and deeper bonds and at times these bonds can creat that response. That is why they say to try and save those emotions when you do a spell for that reason. Emotions themselves are a creative energy. You can take it and use it or even better use alchemy to transform it.

It was one of the things that I’m slowly learning. The first is to transform anger into sadness and sadness into anger. You can use anger in many activities besides magic work such as physical exercise. You can use sadness to help deepen your own understanding of the heart. This can also be used for other emotions. All can be changed into a different form. Why do you think that water is basically equal to emotions in so many different things.

So in this case especially because it is of the well being of your own children, emotions can be used to enhance the ritual and evocation/invocation. The only gimmick is you need to learn to harness, control and direct them in the proper way. But once done you will be amazed at what power our feelings can have.

So really it’s not about not showing but when and how. Control on anything of your self can be sharpened and molded into the perfect tool to use especially during those times. That is something I am learning myself.

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No, it’s not weakness. It’s release.

Sometimes in doing black magick rituals, destruction rituals, one cries because of pent up energy that needs to be released (emotional, physical). It’s perfectly normal.

Personally for me, in crying when I summon a Demon, it’s because I feel such warmth, kindness and understanding from their energy and aura (back when I was newer) that I started to cry. I never felt that from humans.

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