Could someone interpret this for me?

I did a tarot spread for my issue. My mom is sick right now and getting worse every day it seems. I first called on marbas a few days after she was admitted and then a friend suggested Buer after I only saw minor improvements. So I’ve been asking Buer for help but it seems like I can’t contact him at all! So I did a reading to try and get some answers. I put his card at the top and asked him what was going on. This was the result. I interpreted it myself but as I’m unsure of my interpretation, I want some outside help. Thanks in advance.

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It would really mean a lot to me.

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How about the other three cards at the bottom? What do they represent? Are they in any specific position?

Take this with a huge grain of salt as you, as the reader, know best what is going on and what you’ve originally intuited when you drew the cards. But the over-all reading gives me a sense of things not being done enough. I hope I don’t come off as offensive, but have you offered enough motivation or at least offering for Buer so he will, in turn, help you or at least contact you back? The Ace of Wands RX = reminds me of a fish hook that is trying capture a fish, which can be seen in the Page of Cups, who, while looking like he did receive the offer (fish), has an expression of, “Uh… so this is it? That’s the only thing you can tell/give me?” The fish in this Page’s cup looks a bit, er, lifeless as well? Maybe you’re trying to capture his attention with the wrong “bait on your hook”? In this case, maybe find out Buer’s personal preference so he would work with you. Or maybe the WAY you’re trying to reach out to him, try another method instead? The 7 of Cups RX may mean he sees you as you’ve let go of other options to reach him / other possible payments you could offer him for his help, when he may want you to be more creative (Cups!) and resourceful. I also get the interp of someone throwing away the cups too easily = giving up when a few attempts here and there are not completely working.

The 6 of Cups in this deck looks interesting. Honestly thought it was the 7 of Swords at first lol. Anyway, as representing what is going on with Buer, here are some possible interps:

  • He’s working on it bit by bit as there are gradual steps that he is taking (him taking one cup at a time as he looks back at all the other cups needing his attention), but you think he can completely solve it in one go (you as the figure behind just focusing on one cup, oblivious of the other cups in line).

Contrary to popular belief, while they are all powerful, spirits do follow some sort of system in their workings and certain time frames. Manifestation of things you have asked for them does not happen overnight. Impatience may hinder progress as well. Some actually do like taking their time as it allows them to make ALL the factors at play work out in the situation. Some see it as a form of respect that you are actually aware of successful workings not being an instant thing and you’re really dedicating yourself to studying them, the situation and what YOU can do about it.

  • He received your attempt to communicate, but you’re not communicating loud enough for your whole intent to get across.

Remember how as a kid, we sometimes used plastic cups + tie them up with a string = play-pretend with our friends if it was an actual phone? Now I didn’t get to make one at all when I was a kid lol, but the imagery here reminds me of such. The cups between you are the supposed communication lines but there are still spaces between each, hence the communication not being as clear and coherent. I feel as if you are the front figure this time, looking at the cups and thinking, “Did he get my message? Did he get my message???” and Buer is sitting there in the back, examining the message, thinking, “The message seems incomplete. I can’t hear and get through long or clear enough.” Maybe he is already communicating responses to you, but only fragments of his original response make it to you, or vice versa. As I type this too, an imagery of someone putting his hand to his ear as if saying, “What? Louder, please?” comes to mind.

  • The payment you proposed in exchange for his services, or the way you’re trying to communicate with him, is something he’s still considering and examining. He may want more, less or just a different form of it instead.

Maybe you’ve only given one cup = a single style of offering. Say, you only offered something tangible. There he is, receiving it yes, but he may want something more creative. Or something more spiritual? How about a song, an artwork or a poem? How about offering your willingness to heal your emotional wounds or confront darker emotions? Or maybe just honing more of your psychic abilities? These all fall under the Cups = water realm.

It could also be vice versa: maybe, you’ve given or are offering a LOOOOT of things just so he would help you. While Buer also appreciates this, he may want something more simple, which can be seen in the way the figure behind just picked up and examined one cup. He wants that single offering/payment to be the best though. Think quality > quantity. Maybe a heartfelt letter of petition? Or maybe he’s all about a simple but very genuine method in approaching him over-all so he could truly gauge your willingness to work with him.

Now I may be biased, because IME, Buer liked it when I drew him and composed a funny song for him. He used to drop by every now and then ever since I made those in his name. He also responded positively to a friendly, warm but still respectful letter I’ve written. I think this is where the advice of, “Different readers read differently” comes in. In the end, I honestly believe that the interps you first received from the cards, those are most likely what the cards mean in this situation.

I sincerely hope your Mom gets well soon. Do keep us updated on how everything goes. :slight_smile:

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I’m amazed! It has felt like a struggle contacting him but I’ve tried a method that seems to work but the situation is dire so I have been impatient and I’ve also been layering the magic with other healing spells and entities. But I’ve been given ideas like dialysis and the idea to call Raphael has also entered my mind but Idk if I’m entity hoping again or if Buer is suggesting I ask Raphael for help too. She’s in critical condition and on life support. She made slight improvements but she’s gone down hill again. I wasn’t sure what to offer him so I told him if he healed my mom he could have my body as an offering and I would live a healthier lifestyle in his honor. But she didn’t improve. This reading I did tonight told me to expect positive results but that I was prepared for the worst. I did try contacting him again and that is when I got the thought of dialysis. It’s been on my mind for a minute but the kidney doc is putting it as a last resort. Tonight I asked Buer if he could heal her lungs since we are taking her off life support Tuesday. My spirit is calm but my brain and emotions are all over the place and what you interpreted resonates with me a great deal. I believe I reached him this time. Would you be interested in interpreting another spread?

I feel like I’ve been spoken to today. So many people even one I wouldn’t expect has said to me that I should hope for a miracle. I think the reading was correct: I shouldn’t give up until there is nothing left. But I did find myself in a state of surrender a few nights ago when my brother and I made the final decision to take her off the vent tomorrow. I am remaining hopeful even now as I’ve seen another small improvement. I refuse to let my mother go without a fight.

You’re welcome. Sure thing! Apologies for the delayed response because daily work and stuff. If you want, you can PM me. :slightly_smiling_face:

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