Controlling your thoughts

Which methods do you guys use for controlling your thoughts? Since thoughts can create reality, they have the potential to mess you up big time.

By this I mean what do you say if tou accidently think of something bad during a ritual or in general. Let’s say you think of something disrespectful to the deity or someone close to you being harmed, could you just say, I’m sorry for the first one and I’m not manifesting this for the second one?

I think that this is something newbies and experienced Practioners alike should learn?


In ritual and spell work the way I practice it requires strict mental discipline to perform magick properly so the mind must be trained through meditation to focus for prolonged periods of time without distraction. So a single minded highly focused and energized state is achieved where all foreign and nonessential thoughts are allowed to pass by without acknowledgement. Outside of active work if I want to indulge in free thinking without possibility of influencing reality I have constructed mental safe words and rooms which when used tell me mind and consciousness that it effectively the sandbox testing mode and nothing occurring within is to actually be taken seriously to influence reality until the mental wards are dispelled.
It takes a lot of mental work and meditation to set up but is worth it in the long run. It allows you to effectively have an on and off switch attached to whether you want to influence things at the moment or not.


I think this is generally something thats mastered through meditation. It’s not necessarily stopping some thoughts but more what you choose to think on. The mind is always going to come up with suggestions of what you should think about, but where the real power starts is having control of choice, which not many people have. It takes a lot of practice.
Through practicing the quieting of the mind by meditating you gain the ability to first ignore suggestions of thoughts, therefore giving them no power and no means of manifesting, and later the complete quieting of thought altogether.
I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


Excellent way of putting it!! Yes you need control in Magick or anything really. By safe words what do you mean?

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I did find a method a while back and the guy says that rather than surpress the thought, you should say no thank you and change to the next one.


Basically incantations to tell my mind that now is the time to stop screwing with reality and just indulge. So you can have something like the visualization of entering a blank room or infinite plane while saying:

“Now I enter the realm of thought and fantasy where I may indulge with nothing here influencing for better or worse the outer reality without my explicit permission and symbols of manifestation.”

Then you would have a certain gesture or symbol as an extra guard where if you want to manifest something in that sandbox mind space to the outer reality you would focus on it and use the symbol to port it over to more working mind spaces.
You can also use methods of crafting sigils to come up with barbarous words with meaning to apply as well and use those to enter the simulation mind spaces.


Good method yet really complex. I generally say I’m not manifesting this and it tends to help.

Though the mind is really complex if I’m honest with you…

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Focus on stopping bad thoughts clear your mind and stop any and all bad thoughts

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Once I really analyzed your reply, it made a lot of sense

Which reply

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The focus on stopping bad thoughts one. I can see how clearing the mind helps.

Yea exactly :slight_smile: it’s a good starting point.


I use three methods:
Listen to the surroundings with patience or to music, without interacting with the mind.

I entirely stop interacting with my thoughts, without any “prep work” so to speak.


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The key here, as weird as this sounds Is to stop talking to yourself. Both mentally and physically. Stop the internal dialogue.


I wholeheartedly agree.

I’m learning via the Abraham Hicks teachings. The key for me is to keep reaching for better feeling thoughts, and changing the stories I tell myself about things that bother me.

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Drawing Mandalas , I strongly think, is a good way to control thought… A while back, when I was starting to gather infos on spiritual matters, I stumbled upon sacred geometry, and it intrigued me in very bizarres, yet intense ways, so much I started drawing the flower of life, these kind of things, and I played a lot with these figures. After a couple of month, I became much better, i started to understand more geometry ( not in a mathematical way, but more on an instinctual way ) I made more complex figures. I then noticed weird shit in my sight when drawing half an hour those patterns ; dots swirling in the air, small purplish foggy round things slowly gathering at the exact spot I looked at, shit like that… I realized then that it is almost like if all my focus were all in my visual thinking, i had a kind of blank mind, like if instead of thinking with the little voice in my head, I was thinking with geometric patterns. The purple thingy gathering in the center of my sight, is kinda like a crosshair, like those of first person shooter videogames. I also gazed at the center of my drawings, up to the point it become “imprinted” in my sight, i then look at the wall with the imprint of the pattern, and when it disappeared, i was practising my visualisation skills to make it reappear as clear and concise as it was before it disappeared. It works best with darker colour, using ink pencils instead of wooden ones. I did also experienced ( 2 times ) week lasting effects that were VERY intense, and so overwhelming, that the first time it happened, i thought i became schyzophrenic, but ill save that for a topic i wish to start later on…

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